Dec 17, 2008 21:10
Old cravings are resurfacing. I've given up on the idea of starting a website based around web design or anything that needs members; I just can't stick to it. Either I get bored very quickly and give up, or I work really hard only to get disheartened by not attracting any active members and then give up.
But I'm getting that "must-design-a-website" itch again. I'm just going to toy with the idea for now. It would be something more personal. Something like this journal, but able to do more. Like I'm thinking of keeping a schedule on there for myself and recording things like exercise, missing classes, when big assignments are due, etc so that I can look back and see when I'm starting to slack. Sort of like nanowrimo, how they have the calendar with light green or light red for days when you do pretty well or slack off a little, and then deep green when you exceed expectations and deep red when you suck the crap out of life. I think I would just have one color for when I do something bad school related and one color for when I do something bad exercise related.
But um. Yes. If I decide to do something like that, I think I'll start on freewebs to see if I stick to it, and if it goes somewhere then look into other options. The good news is that now would be an ideal time; winter break will give me ample time to set something up and be obsessive.
Also, looks like I'll get a B in Writers' House, wth. I didn't comment on three submissions and it subtracted 11.5 points from my grade. Out of 100. Auto-B. Stupid me.
ETA: Thinking about it, maybe I'll just buy a good planner?