Feb 08, 2005 19:44
So yeah I feel like a complete mess.
most likely cause I'm getting my "Red Headed Aunt soon" lol
oh boyi.
today was a mess with Neal of course I still like him I just need to get to know him better before this relationship starts and I really end up hurting him. I have a new favorite band.
Me and Neal cleaned my car it looks fuggin HOT.
accept I still need to get like 2302020020202 stains out lol Ive been eating and smoking like a banchee I'm out of Cig's which drives me completely UP THE WALL. I hate school I've been studying even though I doubt it does me anyyyyy good.I'm calling Neal back at 8 which I can't wait for cause I really want to talk things out with him. Big ollll sigh. I hardly have an friends in my grade i dont know what the fuck im gunna do next year with the fakes. god shoot me. I need a manicure peticure. I think when I get payed I'm going to go get one this weekened should be amazing I work friday and sunday jens birthday is 20 she'll be the big 18 WOWOOOWOOOOOO I'm stoked for her. hahaa. And yeah lots of awessomeeee festivities this weekened.
Anyways I think I'm gunna go online shop for cars<3