Nov 16, 2004 21:28
Sometimes Bob Marley is the only person who can make things better.
Could you be loved honestly must be the best "pick me up" song I can think of, I feel like I'm writing an essay for school, I'm so sick of everyone at school. I'm back to my I cant even look at your face without getting angry state of mind. My grade is so seperated all jocks hot chicks just like in a fucking movie. I don't care cause I basically float around to whereever I want but I hate being segragated. No one will ever dare ask someone else to do something that weekened unless they hang out all the time. After homecoming was fun cause everyone sucked up their bullshit and delt with one another I feel that if everyone could do that all the time they would come to like one another, I always try and plan fun shit for all of us to do I end up having like 11 people then some drop out others cant end up going as usual it will end up being me and karly who are the ONLY ones who can do something which sorry to say is fucking stupid. I don't see how people are really intersed in staying around here I wanna go do fun shit, I'm basically thinking when I get my license I'll go do it on my own since everyone is to much of a pussy to venture out of Burlington. In other news life never stops I'm either working and when I'm working I'm always busy cause I bring all my homework and for some reason I thought being a junior all my work would chill out a bit how wrong I was...I have so much everything If im not there I'm driving or at driving school or the dentist or physcologist I never have a free moment or afternoon to myself and the finding rides places thats a bitch, trying to get to the mall cause all my jeans have gone to SHIT. My dad is a real jerk sometimes he wanted me to walk home from work the other night granted it was only 28 degrees and i only had karlys jean jacket and its only about 3 miles on a main road at 8:00PM yeah reallly nice. Otherwise things are okay. I dont like when people call me concided cause I'm really not I like my hair and eyes wow guess im really into myself. So fuck everyone who is so happy doing things in their own little clicks to consider hanging out with anyone else. me getting bad grades. my mom pretty much cancling my trip to go see her oh wtf its only been what 6 months since ive seen my mom yo its cool. my dad calling me a fucker. not getting a car. being so fucking busy. fuck it I'm just happy to be alive and still have the friends I do. And could everyone please becareful when driving to much shit has happened this past week.