just like you

Dec 08, 2008 05:48

I’ve been a bit of a funk, recently.  Unable to really give anything my full effort and as such everything I contribute to seems to be suffering.  Bleeding Pixels is almost a month late again, not to mention all the stuff in school I had let pile up around me.  BUT.  I’m getting over it and sucking it up.  School’s looking more appealing now that three of my completely useless classes are over and we’re actually getting into some meat into my favourite classes.  Why must the good classes end?  Maybe I’ll have a touch of aflash game to put on here in a few weeks.  I’m really looking forward to finishing that project.  c:

Gaming has been a bit of weird state for me, as well.  I played and fell in love with Fallout 3, but am not really sure how much more I want to play it.  I love it, but I’m not feeling compelled to pick up the controller for it anymore.  And LittleBigPlanet has not been getting the love it deserves at all, however that’ll change this week.  I’ll be setting up the first competition for the LBP Creator’s Club for VGEvo, so I’ll be forced into creating something aesthetic and publishing it.  Maybe Eva’ll sit down and help me create it.

Other than that?  It’s been World of Warcraft.

I’ve played WoW before for about a month in the spring, but that was on a free trial and once my trial was over I had just lost interest and stopped playing.  It wasn’t worth paying for then. However, sir Jamie recently sent me a Scroll of Resurrection and I installed it onto my new iPander and started rolling Vinneas again.  Then, we went out and bought a copy for Eva and both rolled new characters.  She’s a Blood Elf Paladin and I’m a Tauren Druid.  I couldn’t imagine how I was going to play that game without all my Rogue-ness, but because our accounts are linked and we get unholy experience bonuses we’ve been partying together the whole time which completely changes the way the game plays.  For the better, of course.  Playing with Vinneas and Jamie’s Mage was also neat.  I need to play with other people more often.  On that note, I leave you with my current inspiration.

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