Alrighty, here's my
Jaiku page. Jaiku is one of those microblogging sites, like Twitter and Pownce. I first heard about Jaiku from
Scoble. (I actually just got a Pownce invite the other day and I have 4 invites of my own left for it if anyone wants one.) The thing that I like most about Jaiku is that it also allows you to add external feeds to your stream, sort of like a feed aggregator. So it allows you to present one unified online presence. I currently have my LJ, Twitter,, Pownce, Google Reader, and feeds piped in.
I like being able to do this because that way I can keep each service separate from the others, and manage them more specifically. The problem with Jaiku for me is that it doesn't really present any unique features for me to use besides the aggregator thing. Though maybe if I had a better phone I could use their phone app to some effect, heh. Hum... how about some functionality showing how your stream relates to other users? That's always appealing. Though prolly not feasible... Oh well.
Anyway... I'm still working on finding more use out of it. Pownce too. Though with Pownce you have filesharing and events stuff too.