Title: Gone From Sight
KeppiehedWord Count: 1180
Prompt: (scars) and (prove this guy wrong: Alcohol! Because no great story started with someone eating a salad)
A/N: Written for
musemuggers, Challenge #513, Options # 1 and #4
Gone From Sight )
It won't come as a shock to you that I always wonder how I will feel when I lose a parent. While they are living, I just wish they'd go away, but I can't help thinking that once they do, it will change my mind. Time will tell. But my sister and I will totally contrast in how we handle it, just as your characters have. Well done.
I really take it as a compliment that you find the characters realistic. I strive for that more than anything, that when people are reading my work they find that they really understand the emotions on the page. I like to explore the nuances of all of those feelings and how we react; it is of endless fascination to me that we share a somewhat limited amount of emotions as people and yet there seem to be an unlimited amount of ways that we react to those same feelings we share as a group, and the lengths that we go to to keep people from knowing what we are experiencing under the social veneer. It's amazing, and I love to write about it! As long as I can keep from being boring, I'll probably keep exploring that theme in one way or another. So keep me on track and tell me if I get moldy and blah, you hear? :)
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