Moar things

Jun 19, 2010 00:03

Basically this post is: WEEE PHOTOS and coding & YouTube are a nightmare

Fair warning that these photos are ridiculously big if you click them, hokay? And this is defo not dial-up friendly at all. Possibly not even broadband friendly :P

The important part of that sign reads "Please do not take any pictures (with or without flash) of the set, actors and technicians." Whups. To be fair though, a crewmember only made one single half-assed attempt to ask us not to, and it's not as though anyone was being particularly subtle about it.


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Two more I found of the girls:

Katie with the wombat robinmarian gave her; I'll let J tell the full, squeeful story (and it is ridic adorbs, no lie) but thought I could safely share this one. I think the only time Katie arrived at or left set sitting properly in the car was when she was riding with another actor... Otherwise, fancy dress or casual clothes, the preferred mode of transport was sitting out the window XD!

Angelllll. Really, I have nothing more coherent than that to say.


see kepp0xy, instantly endeared FOREVER.


I can't tell you why but I laugh every time I see those damn pheasants. bahahaha.


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