October 29, 2008
I decided to finally put my journal to use, i.e. for my obsession XD
From here on, I'll be posting about seiyuu, web radio, music and whatever I'm obsessed with at the time. There will be hardly any personal post, thankfully... XD So to anyone who stumble upon this post, I hope you enjoy your visit in this hopefully becoming more interesting journal.
Banner: Credit to
breakfastgirl This journal is more like semi-friends only rather that friends only but I always wanted to try putting up friends only banner. If you want to read all of my posts, you'll have to comment here and I'll friend you back. Otherwise, you'll still have access to all my non-personal posts including downloads (I don't locked those posts). That will spare you from my emo moments. *winks* That's all I'm going to say.
Happy leeching!