Nov 21, 2005 14:07
hullo all,
these long weekends i've been getting are supposed to be good for working on our projects, but i find they are better for self-distraction.
friday i went to an interview at a school for children with autism, but finding the place was impossible. at home (in the states) if you aren't sure how to get somewhere, you just type the adress into the computer and mapquest or yahoo will tell you how to find it. the school was in a neighberhood i know reasonably well (i could find my way around at night if need be) near another road i know well and with two identifying landmarks. even once in the area it took me half an hour to find it, one of the landmarks was a hotel that was next door, i went inside and asked them the name of the school, they had no idea, after walking around the back past a deserted looking house i was close to giving up. suddenly from nowhere a group of parents and their suspiciously behaving children walked by, i followed them into the deserted looking house where i discovered the school and the person i was supposed to interview. lesson: even if you know where you want to go and how to get there, there is still no guarantee that you will be able to find it.
other than that we're trying to work on a pseudo-thanksgiving dinner, using one oven and trying to work around the power cutting schedules, (not to mention the problems inherant in the lack of food that we're used to working with). it will be an adventure at the least.
time to get cracking on the paper i do so well to procrastinate...