All You Base Are Belong To ME!!!!

May 24, 2007 14:03

So out of sheer boredom I just stuck the 1000-character essay i jsut wrote in japanese through the translator in google. teehee. To make it make a bit more sense... I'll explain it was just a shitty essay about our talkings to a student in japan via email. For some reason my students name seems to translate into 'THE BURNING'.... lol..... japanese schoolgirl by day.... american wrestler bu night :D.
anyway.. my assignment: (no plagarizing :p)


My key pal is the medium burning. E-mail project in beginning, they are the university 2nd grade 19 years old. As for the family are with the younger brother and the younger sister are in 5. Hobby is to inquire about music and to sing. Because in 2005 as for burning in Australia short term you studied abroad with 1 weekly homestay, just a little it is understood concerning the Australian young person. Between E-mail project, me and burning you celebrated important birthday. As for me as it became 21 years old, as for burning it became 20 years old. Therefore, being attached to the Japanese and Australia coming-of-age ceremony you spoke well. Because the adult seat is different very in the world, it was funny, is. Furthermore, just a little you spoke concerning university life. As for me as for burning everyday it goes to the university from the house of the family vis-a-vis the girl friend and having lived with the apartment. Similar to coming-of-age ceremony, moving from the family regards independence of the young person. As before this written, coming-of-age ceremony differs in the world. In Japan the young person however it is 20 year old coming-of-age ceremonies to do, the parent lives to graduation of the mostly university. Vis-a-vis that, coming-of-age ceremony 21 years old is in Australia. But, before the coming-of-age ceremony, the many young people have done to stand single from the parent. When coming-of-age ceremony is done, you become the adult? When you become the adult, you must stand? It isn't connected entirely? As for burning “birthday very is the pleasure concerning birthday!! The liquor you can drink formally, die (laughing)” with you said. Keyword is “formal”. I was not surprised when reading the E-mail. Everyone young person would like to drink the liquor, is. But, it started thinking. As for coming-of-age ceremony however it is different truly, for the young person, meaning always is the same in the world. Doing coming-of-age ceremony, afterwards, you can drink it can inhale the liquor and, the tobacco and, it is possible to vote, is. For the young person, as for meaning of coming-of-age ceremony there is no independence and also the [te], is free. Whether or not you when coming-of-age ceremony is done, become the adult, certainly there is no child, is. One day occurring, it is not possible to become the adult who is independence. But occurring even in one day, the freedom which can drink the beer has. Between that of E-mail project it was understood. The young person than independence, wants freedom, is. Because I do not have the friend of the Japanese young person excessively, this E-mail project was very funny. Because self-confidence do not have with your own Japanese, as for the E-mail of beginning however it was difficult, me and burning the friend became quick.

if you want to cross reference it:

僕のキーパルはたなかもえです。Eメール・プロジェクトを初めに、大学2年生19歳です。家族は5にんで弟と妹がいます。趣味は、音楽を聞くことと、歌うことです。2005年にもえはオーストラリアに1週間ホームステイで短期留学したので、オーストラリアの若者について、ちょっとわかります。  Eメール・プロジェクトの間、僕ともえも大切な誕生日を祝いました。僕は21歳になったとともに、もえは20歳になりました。だから、日本とオーストラリアの成人式についてよく話しました。世界中で成人席はとても違いますので、面白かったです。  さらに、大学生活についてちょっと話しました。僕はガールフレンドとアパートで住んでいることに対して、もえは毎日家族の家から大学に行きます。成人式と同様、家族から引っ越すことは若者の自立を関します。  この前も書きましたように、世界中で成人式は異なります。日本で若者は20歳成人式するのだけれども、大抵大学の卒業まで親と住みます。それに対して、オーストラリアで成人式は21歳です。しかし、成人式前に、たくさんの若者は親から独り立ちしています。  成人式をしたら、大人になりますか?おとなになったら、立しなければなりませんか?全部つながりませんか?  もえは誕生日について、「誕生日はとても楽しみだよ!!正式にお酒飲めるしね(笑)」といいました。キーワードは「正式」です。僕はそのEメールを読んだ時、びっくりしませんでした。皆若者はお酒を飲みたいです。しかし、考え始めました。世界中で成人式は本当に違うけれど、若者のために、意味はいつも同じです。成人式をして後で、お酒を飲めるし、タバコを吸えるし、投票をしてもいいです。若者のために、成人式の意味は自立じゃなくても、自由です。  あなたは成人式をしたら、大人になるかどうか、きっと子供じゃないです。一日起きて、自立がある大人になるわけにはいかない。だけど、一日でも起きて、ビールを飲める自由が持っている。  Eメール・プロジェクトの間それをわかりました。若者は自立より、自由がほしいです。僕は日本の若者の友達をあまり持っていないので、このEメール・プロジェクトはとても面白かった。自分の日本語で自信が持っていないので、初めのEメールは難しかったけれど、僕ともえは早く友達をなりました。
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