Apr 10, 2004 18:23
well they thing is settled, Im heading to Parsons, sicne I gto rejected from Cooper Union, which i assumed was gongi to happen. But of ocurse I won't lie, I did, while i was worknig on the Home test, and afterwards while i was waiting to ehar from Cooper, the possiblity of getting excpeted. foolish? yes. but i always knew i wasn't gongi there, but it was teh dream, that dream of gongi to my mailbox, and seeing that oversized envelop with Cooper's logo on it, and me runing inside tyearing up, callnig my mom and dad, and all of my friends spreadin the good news and simply weepnig tears fo joy for getting into that school. hah. man that musta soudned erally lame. but really at the minuim i won't be saying "if only..." abotu COoper Union fro the rest of my life, I gave it my all and that's teh best i can do.
Of corus i need to head back into the city to get my work back....