The best is yet to come, huh?

Feb 14, 2008 00:06


I am sick (double ear infection, getting over strep..WHATS NEW), a little tired, excited about life. I feel lively lately, despite my tiredness. School RULES, I love it. The friends situation is turning out well, although I just went through all the pictures of me and Erinn on facebook and now I really miss her and Emily. You can never break the resurrection bond, I tell you.

I have two tests this friday, then we're going up to the hot springs to drink beer and sit in heated water that's heated for scientific reasons. I'm excited. Saturday I've decided to dye my hair a violent blonde color...there may be pink again, we will see.

I met my camp directors for this summer and camp is going to be SO. FUCKING. BOMB. I ride 7 days a week. SEVEN. that's every day for 3 months, people. And I teach campers to ride. The 2nd weekend we go camping in the grand canyon and ride INTO the canyon. It's going to be a hot, heated oasis of greatness. Summer will be fun. Now is fun. I like life right now. OH and work is SOOOOO fun. I work on campus at the coffee shop with 20 other people and it's SO fun. It's not even like work, it's just SWEET. I met my twin there, her name is ruthie. She's as obsessed with guster as I am and people get us mixed up. It's sweet.

Uh tomorrow's valentine's day. You make that money hallmark, you MAKE that money.
I got asked on two dates today by two different people. I don't know what to make of this. Plus I'm kind of dating a boy so....I don't know. I don't know much how I feel about boyfriends. I get what I want (a potential boyfriend) and then I don't want it anymore. I like change too much. Whatever, I'll figure it out.

OH and Australia is back. The one I dated first semester. He just fuckin flew AROUND THE WORLD and showed up like 3 days ago. wtf mate. seriously. But he's dating my friend Erin I guess...the world is crazy.

It was 60 degrees here today. no...65. Like, hot. The hippies didn't wear shoes to class today. I LOOOVE when they do that.

Ok, I'm out. Sleep time. I've missed pictures. Here's one.

i believe this picture captures summer so well.

goodbye cutefaces.
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