review: nothing like crazy on an ordinary day

Dec 12, 2005 18:44

go to your calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005 (not including memes of course). post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "year in review."

January: My town was mentioned in Gilmore Girls tonight! I rock! (not really...but i'm claiming it) Woo hoo!

February: Remember how I changed my screenname a couple months ago?? Remember why???? The boy who would not let me breathe

March: Voila! I am Britney Spears.

April: I talked to Micah today (ex-boyfriend, almost fiance, yeah?).

May: Hi. (Jazzed from exercising---though not from jazzercizing. So be ye warned)

June: I am sitting at my computer in a bathing suit and a towel because it is GORGEOUS outside and unfortunately I don't have the patience to sit out there and do nothing any longer---which brings the total time today sun-bathing to 35 minutes

July: Heeeeey! I'm back! 5 weeks in Hungary and now I'm home in CA.

August: So....both my parents had surgery these past two days.

September: The thing about living at home is that something that used to be entirely your decision is suddenly up for discussion with the parents who somehow find a capability to undermine your authority on you.

October: Updating!

November:I'm kind of a music freak.

December: I'm just in from the CBEST.
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