the tragedy of today

Jan 27, 2006 16:13

I was so upset today in English.

We are reading this Thomas Hardy book about this pathetic little guy who is in love with this girl named Sue who is very anti-religion (specifically Christianity); and we got into this discussion today about whether or not you could be moral without being "religious." I was once again struck with how little the world understands my faith in the Lord. My professor told us he was an atheist and that he believed morality was a man made social construct and that this life was all there is; there's no after life of any kind.

My heart broke. I was seriously about to cry, and that may sound really cheesy but it was just so tragic. This is all there is? This is as good as it gets? Life sucks! I am so thankful for the hope I have in Christ. I was upset because of all the other people in my class who were obviously not Christian, sad for my professor, thankful to be chosen by God, and shaken up by all the intensity in the room all at the same time.

I flat out said what I believed, that right and wrong come from the Lord and His Word. At least my professor wasn't hostile or anything; he was probably a lot more objective about the whole discussion than I could have been. I'm just such a passionate person that stuff like this always upsets me. It was just really sad; I was raised in such a sheltered environment that until college I really didn't realize a. how hostile the world is to my faith, b. how few people actually understand what God is about and what the Bible says, and c. how blessed I am.

We are losing the fight for the souls of humanity. We are losing. Actually, we are destroying our own chances with every action we take or word we say that is contrary to what we ourselves claim to stake our lives on. Please don't let me do anything that would push someone away from the Truth.
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