Jul 25, 2005 12:58
okie dokie!!! so i had volleyball camp from 1-4 and gymnastics from 5-7 on monday tuesday wednesday thursday and just volleyball on friday!! so after volleyball on friday hillary came home with me from it then we waited for like ever for theresa natalie and alex and angie to get here!! but then we got a call from angie saying she couldnt come till later and so then we went tubing and wakeboarding for a while and we came home and ate dinn dinn we had hamburgurers and then we went back out on the boat we got back and we opened presents and while we were in the middle of having cake angie and alex came over and i got to meet danni or wutev and then they had cake and i opened their presents then we went upstairs and talked for a while then theresa and natalie had to leave so me alex angie hillary watched cellular the movie and hill and alex were like spazing cuz its such an INTENSE movie and they were like on the edge of my couch and they almost were like falling off!!! it was hillarious oh and during all of this angie was sleeping!! so we put skittles (taste the rainbow) in her ear!! i wanted to put a twizzler up her nose but we didnt!!! then we said that zack was here and she popped up and looked around and fell right back down and went to sleep so after the movie was over angie woke up and was like dammit (sry i cant spell) and it was so funny!!! then i was really thirsty so alex went to get me some lemonade and she dropped the top and it mad a really big bang for like 5 min and she comes bac with like a LITTLE lemonade in my cup. then i fell asleep and hill and alex went to bed at like 4 or 5 so then we got up at 9 cuz this mary kay makeup seller came and so yeah then we were waiting for theresa and natalie to come back and we called them like 6548452156451657651 times so yeah!! then we called and hung up like 6546541 times and she was getting mad wow this is like the longest i have ever typed and then we did our makeup and stuff and sum more stuff happened and sum more then everyone left except for me and alex and then we walked to her house and went on the boat and we went tubing with her neighbors on a 3 person tube and i was like flying out then alex was looking at me and she was laughing so she fell out it was ALMOST THE FUNNIEST THING EVER!!!!! I DONT THINK I LAUGHED ANY HARDER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!! okay so then i got dropped off at my beach and kev and his family were there and my dad was talking to kevins mom for like 20 min while he was waiting for me omg i miss him so yeah and then i went to church to alter serve and there was this cool preist and he had an axcent it was funny but really cool!!! so then we went to the sturgeons house for the party and we did stuff and sum more and then we sat at the table with the hershey kisses and i ate 32409823049832048032984032840932 of them and they were all laughing at me and calling me fatty and i was like i knoe but wut ev haha lol well then i came home and slept and woke up and now im here doing this cuz i have absolutley no life!! hehe
<33 i love kevin
<33 kenzie