It's really pathetic that I haven't updated my journal in 6 freaking weeks.
What's even more pathetic is realizing that in the 6 weeks since I last updated my journal, absolutely nothing of any note has happened in my life. I've been too busy to have a life lately, because work has been outofcontrolinsanecrazybusy, which if I'm being honest, is preferable to the alternative. When things are slow at work, they are deadly boring, and wondering where your next billable hour is coming from sucks more than words. So I can't complain too much, although I feel almost totally out of touch with everything going on in my little LJ corner of the world right now. I have a ton of catching up to do, which I hope to do this weekend since Hurricane Dennis is laughing at my plans to do outside and do other stuff. I hope all of you are doing well and are happy. I so miss reading up on all of your exploits -- which brings me to a confession of sorts . . .
My life hasn't actually been all work, no play lately. In the little bit of downtime I've had away from the office in the past few of weeks, I've developed a new obsession, which, in a weird way, has kind of cured an old obsession. So now I can say, *deep breath* that I am no longer JJ Abrams' bitch. And the reason why is because Rob Thomas (no, not Matchbox Twenty Rob Thomas) totally owns my ass. Yes, ladies, I am now officially and psychotically addicted to Veronica Mars. Addicted as in I watched all 22 episodes of the first season over the course of 4 days. Yes, that's addicted. And yes, it's that good. In fact, I think it may it may be the single greatest season of television I've ever watched in my life.
Now, I don't want to say that the VM writing staff makes JJ and his Lost and Alias crews look like hacks, but . . . there's a lot to be said for actually going into the season with a well thought-out storyline, throwing out a bunch of questions at the beginning of the season and over the course of the season, and (golly gee!) answering all of those questions at the end of the season, in a logical way that makes sense and doesn't need ret-conning out the wazoo. It's almost revolutionary. Between that and the obsessive continuity from episode to episode, I just want to marry this show and have 10 bajillion of its snarky little babies.
And the acting! Mon dieu! I just want the Emmy truck to back up to Kristen Bell's, Jason Dohring's and Enrico Colantoni's doors right now and give them the Emmys they so rightfully deserve (Jason Dohring especially is so fucking brilliant it makes me want to cry. Has any young actor better fleshed a character than he does Logan? I have to keep reminding myself Logan isn't a real person, because Dohring always makes me think otherwise. I saw that
nm973 recently said in her journal that she felt like she should apologize for the love she has for Logan and JD's portrayal of him, but if loving Logan is wrong, I don't want to be right. Ever.). Rationally, I know the cast and show probably won't even be nominated for Emmys, much less win, but any other Emmy results are gonna feel tainted to me, because, IMO, VM was, hands down, the best drama on television this year. Nothing else even comes close to coming close. How do I know? Well, any show that could make me grow to love Harry Hamlin and desperately wish he was a regular cast member has to be fucking brilliant. That's how I know.
So yeah, I'm in love. And I'm in LoVe. (Some of you will know what to make of that.) I haven't felt this giddy with a show in -- well, forever, I think. My only real-life friend who watches the show (who happens to be my only real-life friend who watches Alias) is really concerned about whether Season 2 can possibly be as good as Season 1. And maybe she has a point, because it's impossible to imagine that Season 2 could top Season 1. But, oddly enough, despite being burned in the past, I have total faith in Rob Thomas. Maybe it has something to do with his novel-writing background, but he seems to really understand the importance of having mysteries and arcs planned out in advance and not making shit up as he goes along (*cough*Rambaldi*cough*) , and as long as that's the case, I think the show will continue to be brilliant.
Anyway, I'm kicking myself for not catching onto this show sooner, but with the TAR and Scrubs conflict, I kept telling myself I'd catch up on it during the summer. I wasn't planning to catch up on it in the span of four days, of course, but when shit is good, sometimes you just have to go with it like that, you know? Of course, it's already gotten me started thinking about what to do about next fall, when it comes on at the same time as Lost. Clearly, I will be watching VM live -- that's not even a question, because frankly, at this point, I want to know who's at the door even more than I want to know who Michael Vaughn really is. And Ms. Mars is definitely getting TiVo privileges too, seeing as how her Season Pass even managed to leapfrog Alias for Most Favored Season Pass status, which once would have been unthinkable. But that brings me to the question of whether Lost is still TiVo-worthy?
One of the consequences of my new Mars obsession is that it's really made me rethink my devotion to all things JJ. I really thought I loved Lost, until after I started digesting VM. At the end of the season, not only did I know who killed Lilly Kane and what happened the night of Shelly Pomeroy's party, but I felt like I really knew the characters too, like I could sit down and write a fic about any of them -- even Duncan (but probably only on his meds). As for Lost, I still don't know what's in that damned hatch, what the Others want, or what the fucking monster is. And I suppose I could write fic about some of the characters, but none of them have really revealed anything interesting enough about themselves to make me want to. And once I realized that, I had a completely different outlook on the show, and that outlook was generally "meh." So that will be something for me to think about as the summer drags on -- and it's guaranteed to drag, now that all I want is for it to be September so I can finally find out what fate has befallen all my beloved residents of Neptune, CA.
So, well played, Mr. Thomas. I know you have a whole collection of asses in your possession now, but definitely add mine to the list. As some cute blonde girl once said, "Ownage!"
Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend, and a much drier one than we're expecting down this way!