A "Wow" Wednesday

Apr 06, 2005 22:41

ABC should have promo'ed tonight as Night of 1000 Horrors. I spent a great deal of time tonight peaking through my fingers, and I don't get squeamish, ever.

That said, those were two of the best hours of my TV-watching year.


It's gonna take time to process this episode, because right after it was over, I was immediately riveted to Alias, but wow.

Jack was engaged? Whoa. After the way he was talking with his dad, I really didn't think he was going to go through with the wedding. Of course, now I'm wondering if he's still married and why he hasn't mentioned Sarah to anyone. That would be a good explanation to why he hasn't reciprocated Kate's overt flirtations.

I loved watching Jin be all helpful, especially when he kept Charlie from rushing to Claire's side with a reassuring hand on his shoulder and the shake of his head. So cute.

And then Charlie was adorable, acting like the proud dad. Little does he know the baby is probably one of Satan's minions. Still, the joy of that moment was such a contrast to the Boone storyline. That was harrowing, but so well acted.

Other than Lauren Reed, nothing has filled me with more terror and dread than wondering if Jack was really going to amputate Boone's leg.

But where the fuck was Locke? And what's going on with the hatch? And what do you mean there's no new episode next week? Arrrrgh!

And then a good night got even better with an actual arc on Alias

Ooh, that was fucking fabulous. I have the urge to go back at watch that about 15 times in a row, even though I'll probably end up just more confused. My first question -- what's the purpose of Nightingale? That experiment at the beginning was horrifying. I can't imagine what the practical use of that shit is.

It was nice to have some acknowledgment that Sydney and Jack's relationship hasn't been right ever since Wittenberg. It's coming about 13 episodes too late, but I'll take it.

Seeing Jack sell Sydney out gave me that sinking feeling in my stomach. But then, him going into the reactor to save Sydney was so sweet. *sniff* He's all about protecting his little girl, so what's his endgame here? And what are he and Sloane up to? And what's his endgame? Heh. I can hardly stand the suspense.

"Braids, fishnets . . . it's pretty spectacular." Hee! With the music in the background, Eric must be wondering what kind of kinky role playing games Sydney and Vaughn play in their free time. Sydney and Vaughn make me smile with all their little spy antics. Syd says she knows how to get to Klaus, and instead of being all, "No, you can't. It's too dangerous," Vaughn just smiles his sexy, "You're a badass and I love you for it" smile. Of all the things I love about him, my favorite is his naked admiration for Sydney and how he's not all all threatened by her strength or abilities as a spy. There's nothing sexier than that.

"The only way to proceed is honestly, above board." Oh, the irony!

"I never thought that you would be capable of exploiting your own daughter. I certainly couldn't do that." What was I just saying about irony? Whatever, Mr. Pump-Nadia-full-of-green-goo.

Sloane and Jack playing Sydney and Vaughn playing Sloane and Jack -- or is it the other way around? Hee! I'm loving this. But Vaughn had better have a whole security team watching his back for the next little while. He knows what SpyDaddy is capable of.

And because it really can't be asked enough -- what in the hell are Jack and Sloane up to ("together" and separately, because you totally know they're trying to get over on each other)? And how do Yelena Derevko and Bill Vaughn figure into it?

Anyway, randomness:

Vaughn has a drawer again! Squeeeee! [/hopeless fangirl shipper]

Marshall hugging Sloane and Sloane's "get back to business" reaction was priceless. As much as I love Marshall, there have been many times in the past when he's annoyed me, but the writers have been doing a great job with him this season, and Kevin Weisman, as always, has been fantastic.

I loved Vaughn's nightmare. As soon as I saw him standing at the Wall of Honor, I was like, "poor Vaughn," until he started hacking at the wall, as which point I realized it was a dream.

"Are you Klaus' cousin?" I laughed my ass off when that girl bitchslapped Syd. Aw, Syd. You should have denied it! Also, I'll claim that as a shout out, since my oldest dog is named Klaus. My Klaus is a lot cuter than that guy was, though.

The scene in the library was pretty harrowing, but I love the way it illustrated the lengths to which Vaughn is willing to go to discover the truth about his father. One day, I'll have to sit down and write a character analysis essay about Vaughn, but this episode really made me think so much about Season 1 Vaughn. For some reason, all I can think about is the scene in "Reckoning" when he hugged the little boy at the funeral for the agents killed at Badenweiller. I've always thought that one scene said more than any other about who Vaughn is. His father and his father's death had such a huge influence in his life, and to see that all unraveling and to see how he responds to it . . . well, that excites me beyond belief.

Loved Sydney's acknowledgment to Jack that she's been where Vaughn is, and after all the stupid and contrived angst of last season, it's so nice to see how strong their relationship is now, how much trust Vaughn has placed in Sydney and how supportive she's being of his quest to learn about his father. They've come a long way since Vaughn was hiding his investigation of Irina from her. I loved that he told her the truth about the phone call from "Weiss" at the first opportunity and that she got over it pretty quickly and got on board with his plan. As desperate as I've been to hear an "I love you" (yay!), their actions towards each other tonight spoke volumes more than words ever could, which is fitting, since that's always been the case with them.

The paralysis scene with Vaughn and Roberts was great. Great acting from Vartan. From that first shift of his eyes, he conveyed Vaughn's incapacitation. Actually, acting-wise, everyone was at the top of their games tonight. Great episode.

ETA: How could I forget to mention how ridiculously fun that Munich mission was? Interpol!Vaughn, the look on Sydney's face when Klaus showed up and all the bar patrons toasting as Sydney and Vaughn left cracked my shit up.

Oh, and could Vaughn wear jeans in every episode? Pretty please?
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