And a camera

Jun 09, 2013 14:01

So, I've always had digital cameras, little point and shoots. I found when I got iphone I stopped using the bulk of a "camera" and just relied on it to take pics. It was great for capturing moments and video! But recently, perhaps in prerequisite to my oncoming mid life crisis (I turn 29 next week) I found myself really wanting to dabble with the act of catching a moment with crisp clarity, artistic direction and whatnot.

So I got one of these.

This kind of camera uses real lenses to shoot photography with, but isn't as bulky and massive as a true Digital SLR.

I have three lenses - the regular one, a telephoto for distance and a micro. It comes with an attachable flash for interior shots. It's fucking tiny.

I love it so hard.

Here are some shots I've taken with it in the past few weeks.

I've been having soooo much fun with it. Going to cons, going to any event or even just going walking with the dog is suddenly full of things I want to take pictures of in a totally new way!

photography, denver, puppies, athla will be the next godzilla, retail therapy

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