Athiests and Religion

May 23, 2010 14:43

Everywhere I look now a days, I see - Atheists, slamming whatever article they're commenting on, "pitying" those whom "stupidly" believe in something greater then ourselves.

I'm no religious fanatic -  I recognize that I certainly don't know enough to judge, and like all of us, don't know what happens after death - therefore I have no right to injure another person's belief -

but man, angry Atheists. What is your deal? You hate religion, so you spew at people that they're ignorant and have only oblivion to look forward to, ha ha ha. That's just so nice and hospitable, I'm going to go have a panic attack, thanks so much for that.

It's as if they're just as insensitive as religious fanatics, go figure.

I just do NOT understand why we can't believe in something, be happy with it, and not make others feel like shit for believing something different. I don't get why people feel the need to destroy "good feelings" and act like giant dicks just because someone has the audacity to think differently, especially on the internet. What purpose does it serve? Why does our society feel the need to anonymously injure others - how does that make you feel better? I just don't understand.

Meanwhile, I'll be outside with my doggie, hoping that my love for her doesn't die with her and I. Ugh.


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