I am seriously having a romantic relationship with my current life situation. We are in love with each other, kissy kissy.
Firstly, I invite you to view videos of my Los Angeles trip via the tube of you - [
here, for battlestar concert ] and [
here, for Michele and LD fun ].
The trip was pretty much was I expected. I was so excited the night before I couldn't sleep. I was thus exhausted the whole time, but this is normal! The flight was crazy- did you know you see like 4 geographic regions from colorado to california? Crazy. I landed, it was WARM. I love WARM. And my beloved Michele was there to greet me, and it was a funfest of shopping, deep conversation, and good food. The concert was effing out of this world... James Callis totally winked at me and I almost fangasimed. Actually... yeah, I did fangasm. I thought only the good doctor could elicit such a response! I wish we'd have stayed after to get a picture with him, but Michele and I were rather starved. Another time!
I had lunch the next day with the adorable Kyle, and it was off to the races. And by races, I mean LAX. The whole Los Angeles experience is so nice, so warm, but at the same time I'm confused by the area's lack of clouds. The architecture is all white and 2 stories high... so its a lot of blue sky, warm breeze and white buildings reflecting the sun. It's almost an alien experience for a native buffalonian like myself.
The most important part of this trip, I think, was the opportunities it opened for me. Michele had be videochat with some art directors who gave me good life / career direction; I could serious become a concept artist, my life dream. That's a big deal!
In the mean time, I am freakin' swamped by contract work. Anne's project, Jill's (when she has time!), Master Jason just contracted me to do his famous hawaii school's band site, and then when I have time I would like to get Michele's site on the road. Got the BG band stuff done, though I still need to apply to get paid.
Also, a vurrry cute guy got a hold of me last night. I totally just asked him out on friday. He has a puppy and he's hot. I hope he agrees!
Life is great! Sean and I are playing (read; I play, he watches with commentary) No More Heros. We are enthralled with it's random scenes and adorable baby kitty and crapping in a toilet stall to save my game. Oh I totally joined Scifi's Cylon vrs Human thing. I'm Hybrid Cylon model LionEye and I have a red raider. Yessssssssssss.