Jul 22, 2005 05:00
I woke up at 4:00 am an it was storming like crazy,I remember when my kidd's were little they would run into my bedroom scared of the lighting,now when I wake up to it I sat an wounder what my lil babies are doing crazy huh,I guess thats what a mom dose worry to much.We went fishing for 2days an taken Michael with us,we had the best time,Michael said it felt like he was little again an going on a trip with mom an dad,I talk to my lil mimoo everyday an I still miss her like crazy.I think it is so funny,everytime she gets out partyin she call's me,I guess I look forward to it now.I just luv her to death.Jessica an Duane is getting back together,she is spending more an more time with him.Part of me should be happy I guess,but I'm not, He wasn't there for her through the most important part of her pregancy, an now he just pops back into the picture an feels bad he said for not being there.Well sorry I don't beleave him not for one second.Robert has gotten so close to Shyann an now she is going to take her away.That is going to just kill him an me both.I don't get to see Chase or Austin like I should or at all.I hate that I love my grandbabies so much.Michael is takeing that skanky whore to court ,so hopefuly that will change.Well I guess I will go for now,I luv U Mimoo an say hi to Jordin silver for me.