I fail at meme.

Dec 22, 2008 16:36

No seriously I fail so hard. The interview meme that is spreading like AIDS the common cold right now? I totally missed the point of having to post my replies HERE hurr hurrr.
I r smarts.

Okay, question time.
-fanciest suit you own, why'd you buy it and why aren't there pictures >O
That would be this one. Bought it because it was like 300€ off, and I'm gonna try and get me another one in plain charcoal(goes better with all my striped shirts) because they're super low priced now. And no pics because a) I suck with cameras, and would have to dig around for one and b) I'm not very photogenic. I always look retarded. ALWAYS.

-i am slightly obsessed with peppernut cookies, you know anyone who makes them?
I had to look up what they even are. And there seem to be two distinctly different kinds of it. I have no idea, seriously. Evelyn could probably make them, she's a kickass baker,but also sick as death. I know a store that might sell them, but I'm not sure.

-what's your favorite snack food?
I will eat anything and everything in a pinch. EVEN YOU.

-would you rather be Robin or Swamp Thing? boy genius of asskickery who never gets to be quite as cool as his role model, or a slimy freak of nature with awesome hippy superpowers of plaaaaaaaants who can never go in public and live normally.
Their fanfic illegitimate mpreg lovechild genius asskicking hippie plant golem trying to live up to his role model, Frank N. Furter.

-would you wear some classic rocking david bowie make up to class and pretend you're not if people ask?

Annd, here goes She asks:
1.Derp, what was the ealiest RP experience you remembers?
Uhhrrrr remembering is hard. Ought to be... when I was around twelve. EQ was teh shit and I stayed long and had tons of fun. Man, makes me want to call up some old buddies. A little later, I discovered DSA. FUN TIMES AHEAD.

2.Have you ever been to other countries?
England. Short trips only, though, and mostly around London. I WANNA VISIT THE US OF A.

3.How many languages are you fluent in?
Only German and English, I'm afraid.. My Latin and Greek are super rusty. I keep telling myself to go ahead and refresh, but never do it. Wanted to take French classes too, but didn't get in this semester. Will try again.

4.A magic fairy grants you a wish, what would it be?
Magically teleport all those awesome internet people together into one big house with several fridges full of snacks, drinks, pizza and tons of games. Then magically teleport everyone back when we get tired.

5.What would be your superhero name, and superpower?
I would be something ridiculous with abstract powers like THE DISCUSSIONER! with the power of SOCRATIAN QUESTIONS.
No cape, though.

- Which is your favourite ancient greek dude?
Torn between Socrates and Heraklit. Though Sophokles was also awesome. And Zenon.
- If you were a gym leader, what pokemon type would you use?
Firearm type pokemon, because of their independancy from pokeballs and their superior attack level. WALTHER PPK, I CHOOSE YOU!
- Most awful holiday you ever had, describe. I mean muddy tents and broken legs horrible, not dead puppies and divorces horrible. FUNNY STORIES ONLY
Do you mean like, Christmas holiday or family vacation holiday? Because we don't do the latter. And I don't really have any extraordinary ones to remember, nope. Well except one, but that was very serious business. I'LL TELL ANYWAY my best friend Ben managed to get himself kicked out by his parents ON CHRISTMAS (about church wank, too. He considered his girlfriend more important than his altar boy duties) and he called me up and ended up spending Christmas with us. It was the best Christmas ever, really. Lots of fun was had, the kids love him, and sometime in *February* his parents called to inquire his whereabouts. Ya rly.
- Mario or Luigi?
- human-level AI or interstellar travel: which is cooler?.
FTL Interstellar travel. Explore all those unknown worlds and shit. Human-level AI is just creepy and a philosophical can of worms. If the worms were capable of destroying mankind. And had uranium teeth. And on fire. Yeah, like that.

So obviously it's time for me to copy the meme:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...


fail, meme, random, lolnerd, cool people, awesome

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