So little time...

Dec 12, 2008 02:27

Oh man so many things happened since I last updated this. Where to begin?

First, I watched House for the first time this Monday. It was...good, I guess. At first I was all "meh" but then it grew on me (related to, but not entirely the result of, getting used to that horrible mumbling) and it seems the later seasons get more badass than the first one (we watched a bunch of random episodes from different DVDs).
So yeah, that's another bandwagon I've come into fleeting contact with a couple years late. Also, the NSS (semi-regular get-together of a couple English majors and...actually, pretty random people) was a great success. Tons of new faces, and I had to explain to the Americans that I am not English at least four times.
Oh, I got to philosophy-bitchslap people, too. And heard ridiculous new arguments while doing so, specifically for allowing people to have guns. Apparently you need to have a gun to "shoot corrupt cops when they come into your house at night to take you away" (I am not making this up) otherwise you have no Freedom(tm).

On a more cheerful note, MEME ALERT!

"Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one reason why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love."

Do it, people.
Now I need sleep. Hugs out!

meme, random, cool stuff, lolnerd, cool people, crazy

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