PotC Fic - Scarlett and Giselle

Aug 27, 2008 07:51

Rating: PG 13?
Pairings: Jack/Elizabeth, Jack/Scarlett/Giselle.
Word Count: 788
A/N: Another, rather late this time, response to the
blackpearlsails drabble prompt 'Scarlett and Giselle'.

“Have you ever actually had a proper relationship?” Elizabeth lifted the bottle to her lips and took a sip, her eyes fixed on the pirate opposite her.

“With a woman?”

“Yes, of course with a woman. You’re not going to have...” she trailed off and looked down at the thick wooden table a moment, “...with a man...”

Jack raised his eyebrows, the slight hint of a smirk upon his lips, and Elizabeth stared at him with a shocked expression on her young face.

“Jack! You haven’t?!?”

He merely shrugged and lifted his own rum, “’ve done a lot of things in my life, love.”

The King must have realised she was still staring wide eyed at him for she blinked a few times and looked away. Her Pirate Lord watched his King’s embarrassed state amusedly from across the table.

When she finally looked up there was a smirk of her own to be seen, “Finally admitting you’re old, are you, Captain Sparrow?”

Jack considered her a moment, his eyes shone with what she assumed was concealed laughter but  was also pride a mixture of pride.


There was a smile itching to break through but he was determined not to give her the satisfaction. With a deep breath he broke the silence, “Yes, I’ve had a proper relationship.” There was a pause and he lifted his eyes back up to her and added, “With women.”


Why so interested, Lizzie? “Scarlett and Giselle.”

Putting down her rum, Elizabeth raised her eyebrows at him. “The whores from Tortuga?”

“You know ‘em then?”

“Who doesn’t?”

Jack couldn’t argue with that, the two doxies were quite well known in the pirate world. “I know ‘em rather well, as it happens...”

“Yes...I’m sure you do...” The Pirate King averted her eyes again and looked down at the rum she still clutched in her hands.

“I could introduce you to them if you’d like?” He grinned.

She shook her head and tried to hide the amused smile, “No, I’m sure that won’t be necessary.”

“Your loss, darling.”

Elizabeth couldn’t even begin to imagine, or rather she didn’t want to, why it would be her loss and instead looked around the tavern. They had been there quite a while now and it was getting busier and of course, louder.

Turning her attention back to Jack she noticed that he too was looking around the tavern.

No doubt looking for a wench to warm his bed tonight.

She stared at him, his appearance had hardly changed in the years that she had known him. The clothes he wore were still the same, as was the red bandana that held back his hair and she briefly wondered how different he would look without it. Shaking her head she drew her eyes from the red material and to his face. His beard and hair had always been the same but she suspected that he had different beads and trinkets in it now as oppose to when they first met. She had always thought of his eyes as being black, dark - but looking at him now, in the firelight, she noted they weren’t actually as dark as she had thought. His eyebrow, she noticed for the first time, had a chunk missing but without looking closer she couldn’t tell if it were a scar that ran through it. She was just about to inwardly remark on the forever-there red mark on his jaw when she suddenly became aware of him looking back at her.

“Did you want to say something, Lizzie?” His voice was soft and calm, annoyingly so.

Tearing her eyes from his she picked up the rum and quickly gulped it down, causing herself to cough.

“That’s why you shouldn’t drink fast.”

Oh, shut up you arrogant bloody pirate.

She wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve before composing herself and looking back at him, “As I was saying...” Stop looking at me like that. “Scarlett and Giselle do not count as a proper relationship.”

“Why not?”

“They’re whores! Whores don’t count!”

“Of course they count. I know their names don’t I?”

Elizabeth shook her head, “You’re hopeless”

“And you’re nosey”

“It was only a question. You never had to answer it if you didn’t want to, you know.” She stood up from her chair and passed the remaining rum to him, “I’m going to bed. Goodnight” And then she turned around and walked out of the tavern.

He watched as she left and sat back in his chair, his feet up on the table, a bottle of rum in each hand. “Course they bloody count. “ Taking a sip he spoke out loud to himself once more, “She’s just bloody jealous, is all.”

drabble, fic, scarlett, jack sparrow, elizabeth swann, giselle, potc

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