(no subject)

Jul 14, 2014 21:38

Dons was telling us sometimes it is difficult tell whether his colleague is borrowing his iphone cable. The truth is that iphone cable only comes in one color and it is difficult to identify which is your cable unless you made a special marking. Back in primary school, I remembered many of my classmates having the same stationeries as me. Whenever I lost one of the stationeries, I would become a bit suspicious that my classmates took mine. To be honest, I did take my classmates’ stationeries to replace my missing items. These guys would come to me and say ,” Hey you took my stuff !” I would ask them why they would think the item I was using belong to them. They would then describe things like, “You know the pencil you are holding has a crack at that end” or “I always bite the tip of my pen so there is a teeth mark there”. Upon realizing that I cannot argue my case, I would apologize and tell that it is my fault and return them their items.
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