At around midnight on Friday, an odd sound rang out from outside, bringing to mind a bunch of metal pipes falling from a high shelf. After searching out of my windows for the few minutes, I finally saw the car stopped in the middle of the street. Its front end was badly bashed in, and the windshield appeared to be shattered. There is a fire station about a block away from my place, and soon I saw the lights go on and the siren blaring as the truck pulled out of the garage. I knew exactly where it was going. Several police appeared and waved drivers past the scene. I can't tell what happened to the vehicle's occupants. I don't remember an ambulance showing up at any time.
Here is the best that I can piece together based on surveying the scene the next morning: First the car veered slightly off the road and mowed down a street sign. Then it slammed into a street light, which promptly collapsed and dislodged a part of itself which managed to impale the roof between the driver and passenger. Finally, the car took out a parking meter before resting in the middle of the road. Wow. That must have taken some effort.
I find myself wondering how it happened. Was the driver distracted by a cell phone or his buddies? Was he drunk, high, or stoned? Did he suffer from a seizure or have a heart attack? Was he fleeing from something? And most importantly, what happened to him (them) afterwards? Did he (they) survive? Where was that ambulance?
I still don't have any answers. I can't find mention of this anywhere in the local news, at least any that's searchable. It's as if it never happened, which makes me suspicious. Other accidents of similar severity made the news. I mean, this sort of thing doesn't happen every day. Surely it's worth as much mention as what is the
latest TV show Chad Ochocinco is appearing on.
Of all of the locations to have an accident, I have to admit there were some advantages to this one.