S U L K I N E S S is O V E R R A T E D

Feb 13, 2010 00:55

I dint noe how stupid and how low i could be until aft it happened.
Reali, if u knew abt it, u'l b all defensive cos u most prob think highly of me.. ;)
I felt cheap and disgusted with myself.
It was to a point that I knew can never get worst.

The thing is, wen we realize how lowly and weak we are,
thats wen we return back 2 The Al-Mighty & Rasulullah s.a.w.
n there wasnt any choice, it was either seeking help from God or perish.
n this was how my prayers were answered:

I had a test the day aft.
I seldom check my mail act.
but I did then.
n I realized I got an email 4rm Mudarris.
wat was written in e mail ws a personal offer to help me in any way he can.
I din xpect dat.
I tot i'd get some hadith or wat not abt Our Beloved Rasulullah as a zaeeem or anything along e line.
I din xpect a personal n sincere mail from him.
not dat he is not a caring guy, evidently he is.
but i nvr tot i m dat significant in his life 4 him 2 act spend some time 2 write me a sincere heartwarming letter 2 me.
It was an unexpectedly great surprise.
That was when it hit me.
(rite b4 I broke down n cried like a baby. :P)
This journey im taking, its not solely 4 me is it?
Many great fam n frens inc my parents n Mudarris r supportg me endlessly.
I hav forbidden n disappointed a lot of ppl hu loves me unconditionally.
I hav havent I?

-- Journey to embrace change --
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