Ah'm sorry tummy! :(

May 06, 2010 22:16

So went out with my boys for the usual thursday night chicken wings. (Yeah I know; well I'm _usually_ vegetarian. =P) and seriously. Way too many hot wings. :( The problem there is the tummy and the tastebuds aren't in full agreement of how they should be handled. The mouth (hereby referred to as a "pie hole") loves them but the tummy.. not so much.. So they must fight to the death.

Sadly my stress levels lately have being rising much higher than they should be. I'm at that point where I'm running on fumes and getting snappy which is somethign I/m not proud of but.. Suppose that's something that I need to get used to. I'm trying to get my ass back to school in the fall as I'm tired of doing this grunt work shit and the general attitude of the "industries" I work in. and in reality I've always wanted to do something alot more than the situation I am in currently but sadly I've never had any faith in my abilities. Changing this perception lately has been more and more refreshing. I remember when I was little I really wanted to be a doctor but I gave up on the when I got nothing but made fun of for it. So who knows, maybe I can pull that off. I'm not sure but the thing abotu my entrance exams is encouraging. For some academic upgrading placement tests I managed to pull a mid 80 on english and a low 90's from maths/sciences. Good but still not good enough, however I am proud.

Aww yeah. Future career here I come!

Too many hours at work! Bawwww! Seriously, it's harsh when a person is averaging like.. 5 hours sleep per night for a couple of weeks (though I made that up today thank god). That sleeping bit is harsh, even for me. Six hours is what I need, dropping below makes for many bad things and spilled pudding!

I swear to god though I will pull this off somehow, even if it puts me in the ground (doubtful). It'll be nice to go back to school, although terrifying..
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