Nice weekend!

Apr 19, 2010 09:58

Ooh that was a pretty decent weekend. I am realizing how much better life can be when I can actually *walk* unaided and have the ability to go outside and play. Seriously, don't ever take that for granted as you have no idea how badly things blow when simple (not to mention more advanced) movements are nothing bit pain.

Slept in like hell on saturday, like didn't want to get out of bed for nothin'. Spent the day playing pokemanz. I wassupposed to go to a party but I never got the reply for the address so feck.

Sunday I was up early, got some cleaning and laundry done (god I love clean sheet day) went out and hit the drivimg range with a buddy, had some good beer after! Then headed out for some driving and a movie! Oh yeah! Ran into a netfriend I haven't seen in quite some time so that was spiffycool! It's always nice to talk to someone you haen't seen in awhile.

All in all a pretty good weekend. It is so nice to be getting back into the spin of things and not having to worry about my damn spine!

Seriously though, I wish the weekends were longer!


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