So, my crafting continues during this trial drought. My gaming group, much to my horror, doesn't game around a kitchen table. This means that you need something to keep your dice from flying to the dark dimension that lives under the couch. My crafting for this week is the solution I've come up with for this daunting problem.
This week, I opted to make a dice tray, similar to the ones sold by Dwarven Sweatshoppe.
I did most of the cuts on this poplar by hand, and utilized simple butt-joints reinforced by gussets.
Showing here:
Afterwards, I used a pecan-colored uni-stain with a satin finish. Once that was all done, I used royal blue felt to dress the inside and the bottom of the tray.
It's not perfect, but not bad for my first wood project, either. It'll definitely get usage during regular gaming.
Here's the finished product:
I'm almost curious to do this again, because I bet I could improve on my method the second time around. I'd splurge for oak instead of poplar, and I think I might do my jointing a bit differently. I wanted to do miter joints, but trying to pull those off well armed with only a hack-saw takes some skill... skill that I don't have.
- Ken