So the shop I work at won a competition for most product sales in October so we got taken to a nice big ol' dinner in the Domain at Gloria's. Gloria's is a Mexican/Salvadorian/Tex Mex place that I've never been too and I'm all for free dinner so, hell yeah.
I never really hang out with my co-workers a whole lot outside of work (the only time I can think of was for a wedding) and one of my co-workers, Chuck, claimed that receptionists weren't going to be invited to this dinner anyways until he supposedly "fought" for me to go. I didn't exactly encourage him to actually do that, what with being intimidated by the "norms" and all, but if he really did go to that trouble, I figured I should go...though it seems like he sure came up with alot of excuses to not go himself. Rumors persist that our district manager does not like him, and I can't really blame him. Despite Chuck supposedly helping me out, he's usually a huge dramatic ass. He's a walking mid-life crisis, going to college so he can quit his current job and take on the probably-significantly-less-paying job of being a paramedic. And now he's invited his "wife" (he's gay) back to living with him in his trailer since she's preggers with "his son". I understand a guy like him probably wanting a family and all but cripes. It's so weird listening to him just blatantly lying to all his customers about "his" kids all the time too.
So anyways, I had a good time at Gloria's. Al bought me a couple rum and cokes (yay), sat around for half an hour waiting for everyone to show up, sat around a half hour more to order, probably a half hour more to actually get our food, and the whole time, fattening up on some nachos/chips. But I had a good time, a good dinner, and it wasn't bad. Al got on my case a tiny bit for being so quiet though. Guess she thought I wasn't having a good time? Whatever. That's just how I am.
Also, anyone know what that ending theme for the Venture Bros. season finale was? And what a hell of an ending.
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Stay classy.