Well, I got back from MFM Monday night, and for my first con I'd say I had a great time. I can't really do a true con report like the ones other furs do, because honestly, this was such a sensory overload for me that I'm not sure I can even remember most of the details. Anyway, while getting there and getting back was a bitch and a half, the con itself was a blast. I met lots of great people, got to march in the fursuit parade*, and got to talk to people that I've only ever read about online. So yeah, I'm a little fuzzy on the details, and I met far too many new people to name all of them here, but, uh... here are some pics.
www.flickr.com/photos/16884216@N03/ My Flickr page probably does a better con report than I ever could. Not too bad considering I had never been in a room with more than four furs at a time.
*Super special thanks to Antimon for letting me borrow a suit to make that happen. :)
P.S. If you notice any names I got wrong or misspelled be sure to let me know so I can fix it.