Frustration at western opinion of China

Jun 07, 2008 12:03

This is a cross posting:

Recently or a few years ago ,western world , especially policticians /famous peoples in America started to make comments /opinions regarding Chinese government policies in human rights /treatment of Tibet people etc .in varous disguises.

Noticbly , as the 2008 olympic games draw near , this sort of comments or opinions have become more heated.I have been keeping track that sort comments about China policies through the internet.Some opinions does sometime makes me feel angry or frustrated.It is not becasue I come Hong Kong , so the chinese policies do not concern me .However , because I belong to a race which made up most of the world .

Sure , may be the treatment of the Tibet peoples is unfair and the human right condition in China is very bad , but does that equals outsiders(westerners) are allowed and given power to declare that chinese people ( especially people come from China ) is bad? Especially when those outsiders are not even living in those part of China , how can they said they have hard evidence to proof to present to the gobal media.I would say this is based on their prejudice of China led to those saying

I am sure that the china government is trying very hard to improve their policies for those suitation based on their opinions ,or not.

Some of comments or opinions I have been kept track on has me thinking they have gone too far.Such as the comment by Steven Spielberg and ,recently by Sharon Stone .

Just because the condition of Tibet peoples and some policy on some war that China government decided on , he pulled out his role as art advisor on the 2008 Beijing Olympics game ceremony .When I looked at news , I thought my eyes would fall out .It is because how on earth , a world participated game that promoted equalness in each country (and their own and citizenship )regardless their races has become a pawn/tools in promoting thier own agenda (either polictical /personal / national).

This is the quote which I found in wikipedia:

In February 2008, Spielberg pulled out of his role as advisor to the 2008 Beijing Olympics in response to the Chinese government's inaction over the War in Darfur.Spielberg said in a statement that "I find that my conscience will not allow me to continue business as usual". It also said that "Sudan's government bears the bulk of the responsibility for these on-going crimes, but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more.".The IOC respected Spielberg's decision, but IOC president Jacques Rogge admitted in an interview that "[Spielberg] certainly would have brought a lot to the opening ceremony in terms of creativity."Spielberg's statement drew criticism from Chinese officials and state-run media calling his criticism "unfair."

I have also feel angry about the speech from Sharon Stone about the Sichuan earthquake.Just because you are believed in Karma, how could you tie those natural diseater to a problem that established as long as the country exsist? So if her belief is right , then The Golden Gate Bridge earthquake happened because there are polictical unrest in eleswhere in America, how illogical is that !

This is the quote which I found in wikipedia:

Stone sparked criticism from some for her comments made in an exchange on the red carpet with Hong Kong's "Cable Entertainment News" during the the 61st Annual Cannes Film Festival on May 22, 2008. When asked about the 2008 Sichuan earthquake she remarked;

"I'm not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else," "And then this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then I thought, is that karma? When you're not nice that the bad things happen to you?"According to the Hollywood Reporter, after her comments, one of China's biggest cinema chains released statements stating its company would not show her films in its theaters.The founder of the UME Cineplex chain and the chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, Ng See-Yuen called Stone's comments "inappropriate" and said the UME Cineplex chain would not be releasing her films in the future.
There were also reports of major department stores in Beijing removing Christian Dior advertisements which displays Stone's image.

However, the Foreign Ministery in Beijing responded callings by saying that it's unlikely they will release a statement regarding the controversy

For conclusion , I think peoples should think before they say something that is impact ed.Because sometimes it is hard to aviod prejudice when the truth is not clear .And if they truly want to improve the situation , they should research deeply first ,then speak carefully , becasuse you may never know what the consequennces it may bring.
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