Mar 12, 2004 00:40
I've posted about my time at the onsen, so far. Looks like Tsubame and Yahiko have been too busy to mention it, but, yeah, they're up here in the mountains with me. Tae sent Tsubame up with me to get out of the city and relax a little. Its important for a girl, apparently, to relax regularly in onsen. It wasn't entirely clear but Tae mumbled something about it making girls more marriageable. I don't see it being a problem for Tsubame. Of course, when he heard Tsubame would be coming up with me instead of waiting around for the others, Yahiko just had to come. Can you believe that obnoxious kid called me an "old man" and said my pineapple bombs would do nothing against highway robbers? Apparently what Tsubame and I needed was a swordsman to guard our travels. I think Yahiko just needed a good excuse.
I spend my days in the onsen and painting, and ordering tea from a cute girl here at the Ryokan. Tsubame reads. A lot. I hadn't realized she was literate, but I should have. She never came to my classes, though... she must've learned at Akabeko. She's a very bright girl. Very shy, too, though. Yahiko's behaving like any man would--spending his days at a Ryokan with a beautiful girl he's interested in (and who's obviously interested reciprocally!) off in the woods practicing Kamiyya Kasshin school bushido....
I've contacted Sano, so he knows I'm up here. Haven't gottne to the site to visit, though. But I hear from the staff of this ryokan that they've been experiencing some problems with local village kids vandalizing the site. I don't know how bad it is, but it must be creating a lot of extra work for Sano.
Anyway, the onsen calls to me.