Save Me chapter 4

May 11, 2018 02:37

Kensei paced the length of Captain Unohanas office while he waited for the healer to finish examining Shuuhei. His enraged temperament was clear by his movements. Veins bulged from his flexed arms and lines etched in his forehead, caused by a deep scowl. To top it all off he had a death glare that would make Byakuya Kuchiki proud. Everything about the man screamed, 'leave quick if you want to live'. To his satisfaction, it was a very effective means of intimidations, seeing it scared a seated officer that had come to offer him tea, enough so Kensei didn't have to say a word. He had to hand it to the officer, at least he didn't wet himself or faint.

At the thought of fainting, Kensei huffed out of frustration. He shouldn't have had to be there, he should of been with his squad. Him and a healthy Shuuhei should of been with their squad. Unfortunately, that kid was unconscious and certainly not healthy. All his huffing and indigent glares amped up his rage, making it easier to ignore a much more intense emotion, one that made him uneasy:Concern. His concern made him angry but that wasn't all. He was angry that no one had stopped Shuuhei from getting that bad, angry that he hadn't been there to knock some sense in him,and more than anything,mad that he felt guilty for not being there, like it was his duty or something.

As he felt the approach of Captain Unohana he stopped his pacing but the death glare and scowl remained in place.

The graceful captain entered her office, sat down behind her desk, and looked to the silver haired man with a gentle smile on her face, "please have a seat, captain." She gestured to the seat across from her, to which Kensei replied by remaining standing and scowling deeper at the woman.

Undeterred, the female captain's eye's took on a slightly sharper look, though her smile remained gentle."Kensei," she command in a gentle voice that matched her smile,yet her eyes promised pain if he didn't do as she asked.

Kensei sat down with haste,dropping the death glare in sync. He knew it wouldn't work on the woman in front of ,his arms remained crossed and he kept his tense disposition. Outwardly, his posture said he would do as she asked but that didn't mean he had to like it. He needed to hear what she had to say and he knew she wouldn't say anything until he calmed down.

"Hanatarou, would you be so kind and bring us some tea?" she asked in a motherly voice. Shortly after, the same officer that Kensei had scared earlier brought the tea into the room, bowed,and quickly left the two captains alone.

Captain Unohana's gentle smile never left her face as she stared down the man across from her. Unohana's notorious smile was unnerving. No wonder people chose to never cross her. He wanted to know what was going on but she seemed to be in no hurry to divulge the information he so desperately needed.

Kensei sighed and uncrossed his arms, trying to appease the women. She had won this contest of wills, for Kensei's curiosity won out over his need to intimidate her. He should of know better, that was a battle no one could win.

Satisfied that she now had the man's full attention,her disposition became more docile. "Shuuhei is fine, captain. He fainted due to his extremely low reiatsu levels brought on by exhaustion and slight malnourishment. I have started him on a reiatsu regimen as well as an IV. All he needs once he's awake is food and rest. Soon,he should be physically fine." She watched Kensei closely, a flash of relief filled his orbs before he grimaced slightly.

"What do you mean physically?" Kensei's tied to hide the concern in his gruff voice and failed to his avail.

"Kensei, I need you to know that while some of what I am about to tell you is fact, some things are pure speculation but I need you to listen till I am done. Then you may go see your lieutenant or you may go to your squad. I leave that up to you." She looked at Kensei intensely. "I must warn you, if you choose to stay, we will need to inform your squad and you must also try and refrain from scaring my squad members or any other visitors that may come and see Hisagi-san." She stated in a gentle voice but her authoritative eyes gave no room for questions. Kensei's eyes widened as he shivered a bit, nodding in confirmation
"You and I both know everyone has suffered a great deal from the treachery of Aizen and his cohorts,but I don't think anyone was effected more than Lieutenant Hisagi. Perhaps you don't know this, but Hisagi grooming was started as far back as the soul reaper acadamy. Before he could become an official soul reaper, his destiny was chosen. Knowing Hisagi's admiration for you,Tounsen used that to his advantage, using your mutual association with the same squad to earn the young man's trust." She let out a slight sight, taking in the somewhat pained eyes in front of her. "When he first arrived he was an eager,smart,and determined young man with a lot of fire in him. He asked around about you. He said he wanted to thank you.." Her sentence trailed off as she stared off nostalgically,being brought back by the sight of a lopsided grin on Kensei.

Clearing her throat, she continued, "Shuuhei was placed in charge of a real world scenario in his sixth year. To make a long story short, it went horribly wrong. Aizen and Gin were there to rescue the group, the survivors, I mean. It was all according to their was just the beginning of the fear assimilation and self doubt they instilled into him. Shuuhei blamed himself for what happened and Tousen solidified it when he told the boy he had made a mistake. It was also at this point that Shuuhei was taught to fear his zanpakuto.
She sipped her tea while looking at the surprised man, who was hanging on her every word. It became clear this was his first time hearing all of this. "Tousen's teachings were like night and day to yours, Kensei and because he was the captain of your old squad,Shuuhei absorbed everything he said without question. In no time at all, he became the lieutenant. Surely it was great achievement but he was no longer the fiery youth. Something has changed in him, ever so slightly. He became a somber quiet man that chooses to rely on his brain and Kido. After losing his first mentor and having to kill his next, Shuuhei was abandoned in the left over rubble that was his psyche. Now, he's completely unable to deal. In fact, I'm positive he doesn't cope, I'm not even sure if he knows how to."

The women's sweet smile was traded for a somber glare. Her blank still face looked hard as stone as she continued,"I am afraid that is all we know for sure. He refuses to ask for help with anything. The only thing I know of is, at one point, he did turn to drinking." Letting out an exasperated sigh, she pressed her hands in a praying position. "Thankfully that was short bottom line is, we need to help Shuuhei and we won't know how to do that until he wakes up."

Standing in hast, she placed her palms on her desk,and gave the man a serious look,"would you like to go see him now?" When he merely nodded, she examined him pensively."I must warn you, if you're to chose to be there for Shuuhie, you must resolve yourself. At this critical junction he can't have false hope. He needs a stead fast mentor to undo what Tousen did, someone who isn't going to manipulate or abandoned him." She lowered her voice slightly, taking on a more placid temperament."Surely it will be extremely challenging,still, I have no doubt you can succeed."She paused momentarily, letting her word's of warning sink into the man,"but if you couldn't commit to such a task, I understand. You're his captain but that doesn't make you responsible for his if you chose to not help him through this, please do not bother visiting at all. I'm positive that would only do more damage."

The atmosphere was stifling,so much so,Kensei just stood in silent puzzlement for a few long moments. After letting everything absorb,Kesnei set his jaw and clenched his fist,continuing with clear intentions."I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure, let's get on with it."

She studied the man a bit more before coming to a quick decision. Upon summing a hell butterfly, she whispered quick instruction before sending it on it's way, "your third seat should be here shortly, at which time you can give your instructions to him. He's a wonderful soul reaper, so your squad is in good hands." She reassured the man and walked to her office door,gesturing for Kensei to follow her.

Processing down the hall, she stopped just a few doors down the hall from her own office. She opened the door and ushered Kensei into the room. "Stay as long as you like," the healer spoke quietly,leaving the room quickly.

Kensei stood just inside the room staring at the young found him self surprisingly worked up by the scene of the boy laying on the bed, as he felt a jolt of pain fill his chest cavity. He was beyond upset, to the point he felt like a nervous wreck. Not just from the revelation of what brought Shuuhei to this point but also his part in it couldn't elude thoughts that he was somehow responsible, that he should have been there for the man.
Kensei frowned while thinking back to the meeting earlier this morning. At first, Kensei had been furious when the Captain-Commander offered them the choice of returning to the Soul Society. The bitterness of betrayal still fresh in his mind, he was almost offended by the mere suggestion. Then,out of no where, the image of Shuuhei's defeated face flashed in his mind again. Surprising everyone, even himself, he was the first to accept. He wasn't doing this for soul society and he told the old man as such. He had his own reasons for doing this but he wouldn't share them at this time. The Captain-Commander didn't look happy about Kensei's attitude but he accepted without question.

Kensei approached the unconscious soul reaper while taking in his frail state. His customary frown firmly in place, he shook his head at the sight of the boy, wanting Shuuhei to wake so he could repirmand the kid for his carelessness. He had dark circles around his eyes, was noticeably thinner,and pasty in comparison to his usual olive skin tone. All the signs pointing to the fact that the kid had been neglecting health and Kensei didn't like it nor accept it.

This boy was his main reason for accepting Captain-Commanders offer. Getting away from Mashiro had been another, much to his chagrin, that plan had failed miserably. Mashiro had loudly proclaimed that Kensei couldn't leave her behind. She rolled around on the floor like a child until Yamamoto had given in. In all honesty, he didn't really think getting away from his former lieutenant and pain of his existence would be that simple. He was right. The green haired menace would follow him anywhere whil continuing her favorite pastime:torturing her captain.

Kensei gave a sigh of defeat as his thoughts went back to the problem at hand; Shuuhei. Kensei decided then and there that he would help pull Shuuhei out of the pit of shit that had became his life. The pit that had consumed him without Shuuhei's knowledge or involvement,just a mere side effect of Tousen manipulative actions. As he took in the kicked puppy look, the silver haired man resolved him self for the challenges to come. Despite his mental declaration that this was something he decided on just in that moment, if he was being honest,the matter of helping Shuuhei was never a about Shuuhei got under the man's skin in unexplainable it was their history but for some reason, when Kensei thought of Shuuhei, all he wanted to do was protect was as natural as breathing, his body decided before his mind could even rationalize rather or not the choices were sound. Though Kensei was never know for his rationality.

Kensei sat down in one of the chairs situated in the corner of the room. He proceeded to get lost in his thoughts. He was so riddled with ideas on how to help his new lieutenant that he didn't notice the slightly elevated heart rate coming from one of the monitors. How long he'd sat there was unknown but the door opening suddenly finally brought him out of his plight. He studied the young man who had entered the room. He was tall and lean with a much more muscular build than the unconscious man on the bed but nowhere near as much as Kensei's own brawny stature. He had chestnut brown hair that framed his face and bright green eyes that shined through the shadowy darkness. The darkness of the room hid Kensei away in the corner,where he took the opportunity to scope out the unknown new comer.
"Lieutenant Hisagi," the young man whispered. His voice was stifled by concern,straining to veil the worry in his was obvious to Kensei this man was worried sick,yet was trying to keep a certain decorum.

The man gazed down at the Lieutenant,his green eyes glimmering with intense look made Kensei question the man's relationship with Shuuhie. He called him by his formal title, yet by the concern in his voice and the warmth radiating form his eyes, it was unclear who this man was to Shuuhie. Why did he care so deeply and why did he have that look in his eyes? A look that signified concern well beyond that of a comrade.

Of course,that only brought up a more difficult question;Why did Kensei care so much? Wasn't it the same thing? Though surly,he doesn't look at Shuuhei in such an affection way.

After a few brief moments of silence,the chestnut haired man set his jaw and shook his head in frustration,"look what you've done to your self. I told you to take it easy." He spoke the rest in a whispered tone. "Don't you think people might worry about you, the squad, that I might be-" He cut him self off,as if the next words were to much to say."I'll handle the squad,I don't want you worrying about anything."

Kensei's understood now that this young man was his third seat, hence the respectful title. Kensei remained hidden in the shadows, watching with a critical eye. This was until a soft whine came from the seemingly unconscious man on the bed. At this, he observer the third seat let his hand hover over Shuuhei's, as if considering rather to hold it or not.

Kensei moved in his seat reasons unbeknown to him, the sight of the enamored man even considering to touch Shuuhei in such an intimate manner made Kensei feel a jolt of anger.
"Who's there?" the third seat asked. Now staring in Kensei's direction, he had a somewhat comical look of surprise and Kensei took it as a small prize. He stood up and walked towards the bed intending to finally introduce himself but the grin that had been brought to his lips soon vanished as his attention was once more directed to his Lieutenant. The kid was shifting and twitching in his sleep, his brows pulled down in a deep scowl, and his breath coming out in stifled huffs. The kid was dreaming, and by the looks of it, it wasn't a good dream. The man across from Kensei reached forward to wake the sleeping Lieutenant, to which Kensei stopped him with a small shake of his head, and a stern look in his eyes.

"Captain Muguruma is correct, third seat Susuki Nobu," the quiet voice startled Kensei and the brunette across from him. Neither of them had heard Captain Unohana enter the room. The female captain looked at the confused third seat and smiled gently, "It is best to let him wake on his own in this situation. If we tried to force him now he could lash out. Also, these terrors are his brains way of working through trauma, it really no one's place to intervene in the brain's automatic copping mechanism," she clarified and came to a stop next to the third seat.

Kensei could only watch as Shuuhei took sharp shattered breaths and sparse tears slipped out from the corners of his tightly closed eyes. Kensei was shocked, as his body once again moved without consulting his brain. Shuuhei's hand shot out and Kensei grasped it tightly. Something he was ready the beat up his third seat for even contemplating just moments prior. Accompanying his jolting limbs, Shuuhei woke in a panic,breathing as if he was just drowning. Kensei looked tentatively into a pair of wide terrified eucalyptus eyes.

"...Kid?" Kensei asked tenderly.


While the passive observers took note of Shuuhei's agitated state, they had no true understanding of the terrors playing out within the young mans psyche.

Shuuhei was floating along in darkness. He looked out into the barren ebony, his heart accelerating from fear of what he knew was soon to come. It always came. He paused and reach out with his senses. Normally the darkness hid monsters of his past , ones that he didn't want to see or think about. Surprisingly, this darkness felt different. Something in the atmosphere has shifted from it's usual forboding nothingness. This darkness had warmth to it, as if it was holding him in a gentle embrace. He felt safe, secure,and at peace. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way. It became all to easy to lose himself in the unfamiliar sensation, but as if to mock him, that peace was shattered as he felt his body being pulled from that embrace and thrown into darkness where his monsters reside.

Shuuhei snapped his eyes shut but it was too late, the scene before him was all to real as his mind automatically brought to life the images his eyes didn't want to take in. His senses were consumed by the shrill wails of falling comrades, the scent of blood and ripped flesh, and the site of mangled building cluttering the fake Karakura town. The chaotic tangle of fallen buildings partially blocked his view of his comrades. He saw silver hair, amber eyes, and a maniacal grin, making him feel a fleeting glimmer of that precious warmth once more. Only this time, the warmth has an edge to it. It still made him feel safe as he tried to hold onto it, but that warmth was shattered by words that echoed in his brain, 'I have no one I need to talk to'.

He tried to will his mind to wake up or get his body to fight, terrified of what he knew would come next. He could do nothing to stop it as he felt his sword pierce the mangled form below him that had once been his former Captain and mentor. He saw his Captain transform back into a more recognizable form and was for a moment, he was , even that was taken away from him as Tousen was slashed to pieces by his own leader. He saw and felt his captain's blood slash all over him, painting his body with the feeling of death. He tried to wipe it all away but more kept coming. In the back of his mind he heard his zanpaktou laugh, for he was enjoying the carnage. Shuuhei was paralyzed by fear, the blood continued to rise until he felt like he was drowning in it. The overwhelming sense of drowning urged his body to move but he only succeeded in slipping further into the sea of blood. He couldn't stop the tears from slipping from his tightly closed eyes as he struggled to breath, his lungs being filled with a sticky warmness. He was getting desperate, as a last ditch effort, he shot his hand up and broke the surface of the blood.

As he broke the surface, he felt overcame with the same warmness, like a bright ray of sun washing over him, mixed with a flash of intense amber before his world went dark.


Wide amber eyes were the first thing Shuuhei saw upon waking. He wasn't sure they were real at first because they were the same eyes as his dream, but upon feeling the reiatsu, he knew he wasn't alone. His eyes darted everywhere, taking in nothing, yet,even in his sleep clouded and terrified mind, he could tell there was more than one person in the room. He slowly became aware of his shattered breathing, as well as his shaking body, willing himself to calm down but his body wouldn't listen to him. He then felt the wetness on his checks, a sure sign that he had been crying and he felt embarrassed that he wasn't alone. His mind then registered the questioning voice. He knew that voice and who it belonged his eyes shot back to those amber eyes, he slowly started to take everything in around him. He became aware of Captain Unohana,his third seat and then the man in front of him.

To his mortification, he noticed the silver haired man had ahold of one of his hands, causing him to yank his hand away in retaliation. He looked down in hopes of hiding the embarrassing blush he was sure was visible, if the heat on his checks and ears was anything to go by and asked the first thing that came to his mind. "What the hell...happened?" his asked, his voice cracking, stifled by dryness.

Captain Unohana offered him a glass of water that had been placed on the bed side table for when he woke up. "You fainted during the captain's and lieutenant's meeting earlier this morning," she answered his inquiry and continued in a stern but quiet voice. "Your body could not keep up with the pace you were going at, so it shut down on you, Lieutenant Hisagi."

Shuuhei looked at Captain Unohana apologetically and the healer gave him her gentle smile. "I am not here to scold you, Hisagi-san. I am only here to advise you that you need to rest and eat more. I would advise you to take a few days off from work, but I will leave the final decision up to your captain," as her sentence trailed off, she gestured to Kensei.

At her last words, Nobu's head snapped up to look at the silver haired man. "Captain!?" the third seat asked in bewilderment as he studied the man in front of him. His eyes slowly taking in the mans features until he got to the tattoo on his chest. His viridescent orbs widened, shifting back and forth between Shuuhei's face and the mans chest.

Shuuhei could read the question in Susuki's eyes and answered his unspoken question. "Yeah, it's the same." He went into a formal introduction in the hopes that he could avoid being asked by either man why he had it. "Captain Kensei Muguruma, meet Susuki Nobu,the third seat of our squad" the silver haired man gave a small nod in greeting. "Susuki Nobu, meet Captain Kensei Mug-"

Shuuhei was interrupted by Kensei. "Kensei," he corrected gruffly and continued at the questioning looks he got from both his lieutenant and his third seat. "You can call me sir, captain, Captain Kensei, or just plain Kensei. I could give two shit's about formality. As long as my orders are carried out in a timely manner and without question, we're good. Though,I'll let you know now, the only thing I care about is the safety and well being of my squad members. If at any point you feel my orders could be altered be better suit that need , by all means bring it to my attention. Sometimes I have a tendency to get a bit...Carried away, and might need someone to take me down a peg." Kensei finished his speech with a huff of frustration and a scowl pointed in the direction of the bewildered looks on the two men's faces. Looking at Unohana didn't help him any, as she looked like she was trying not to laugh.

He growled, looking around for someone to vent his frustration on, only to spotted a certain green haired menace. "MASHIRO," he roared, making the two men jump.

Said green devil pranced into the room, jumped up on the bed, and gave an unsuspecting Shuuhei a bone crushing hug while yelling in his ear. "Hey Shuuhei, Long time no see!" Her eyes went wide as she was pulled from the bed and flung viciously on the floor. She looked up at a pair of eyes looking down at her with a death glare, which she promptly ignored and went into her childish pout mode. "What was that for stupid,Kensei? All I was doing was saying hi. I know who he is too, you know! You're to selfish, you want him all to yourself! Stupid selfish Kensei!" She whined and rolled around on the floor.

"My god woman! Would you SHUT THE HELL UP," he roared again and reached down to pick the devil's spawn up to place her on her feet. He realized his mistake too late as her foot kicked his hand away. Kensei looked at the green haired girl on the floor with crazy eyes. "That's it! You are so dead!" He hissed out in a menacing voice, reaching out to strangle the childish woman, but as if he said the magic words, Mashiro was up off the floor and looking at Kensei with a serene smile on her face.

He growled again and straightened up, taking note that all three of the other occupants where trying not to laugh, which didn't help Kensei's mood. "Mashiro I want you to go with Nobu to the squad. Inform them I will be there shortly to introduce myself after I have a little chat with our lieutenant here." His words were growled out and his eyes shifted to the man on the bed as the last word rolled off his tongue. Shuuhei flinched and got that kicked puppy look Kensei hated so much.

Mashiro and Nobu left the room quickly to carry out his order and Captain Unohana left as well after checking his vitals. Kensei sighed and looked at Shuuhei, still seeing that same sad lost look in his eyes,Kensei's temper flared again.

He looked at his Lieutenant through narrowed eyes. "I swear to Kami, Kid! I will beat the shit out of you if you don't stop giving me that look," his voice was strained as he continued. "I didn't save your ass all those years ago just to end up right where I began" Shuuhei flinched and drew back as Kensei punched the wall with the side of his fist and leaned towards him "I don't want to, nor do I like having to, repeat myself but I guess in this case I have to. Maybe this time you will hear me" Kensei closed his eyes and sighed before he opened them again, hard amber eyes looked onto frightened eucalyptus orbs. "Smile, Damn it! You're alive! Be happy!"

Kensei watched as the frightened look in those eyes slowly morphed into disbelief and eventually rage. Kensei grinned and waited for the dam to burst. Admittedly, he much rather see this man with a fiery anger than a somber sadness.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Shuuhei hissed out with pure venom in his voice as he leaned closer to the man, seething with rage.

Kensei laughed to himself. Retsu was right, this boy had fire, it just needed oxygen.

Unperturbed by Shuuhei's rage, Kensei tilted his head and gave Shuuhei his best death glare. "Does it look like I am?" He spat out, equally vehement . Kensei was having a hard time keeping the smile off his face. Getting under Shuuhei's skin in the same manner he did him gave his some sort of joy. Perhaps it felt like a small victory.

Still, he didn't want to take things too far in trying to get the kid to open up. He might end up alienating him instead, so he kept reminding himself he was trying to help him not hurt him. "Come on kid! If you have something to say to me, then say it" The bait was cast. All Kensei needed was for Shuuhei to take the bait.
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