Save Me chapter 2

May 11, 2018 00:44

"Kennnnsssseeeiiii~" Mashiro called.
The door to Kensei's room was thrown wide open,and the green haired menace propelled herself at the prone form of her former captain. Only to find herself face down on the mattress, with her hands pinned behind her back. The woman blinked several times in surprise, then recovered herself quickly.
"Oh, you're awake." She proclaimed happily, even though she was still pinned to the mattress. A wicked glint sparked in her eyes, one a sleepy Kensei had missed.
"I am now." Kensei replied in a gruff voice,and pushed some of his weight down on Mashiro's hands. "Kami! How many times do I have to tell you, women? Don't fucking wake me up by trying to attack me!" Kensei growled,and pushed off the bed, deciding it was best to focus on waking up, instead of wasting time with Mashiro's games.
The green haired women pouted, started rolling on the bed,and wailing, like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "Kensei, you never wake up unless I do this ...stuppppidddd Kensei stupid stupid."
Kensei's eye twitched in annoyance at the childish behavior of his former lieutenant. "Would you knock it off!? Damn it,It's way to early to be dealing with your crazy ass!" Kensei yelled through muffled yawns. As if to prove his point, Kensei couldn't stop the massive yawn that was ripped from him. He sighed in aggravation, as the women continued with her childish display, because like a child, if she heard him,she didn't care.
"Just ignore her, man" Shinji cajoled, as he leaned his body on the door frame to Kensei's room. "You know she does this just to annoy you." The blond visored continued on,trying to reason with his irritated friend " ... you would think after over a hundred years you would have learned that." Shinji mumbled, not wanting the silver haired man to hear him. Unfortunately Kensei did, he sent the blond a withering look,that had the man stepping back,and raising his hands in a placating manner. Kensei's temper was like a stick of dynamite, a short fuse, with a deathly blast. Even Shinji was smart enough to know, you don't play in a blast zone.
"Look man, I just came to tell you, we have a visitor,and we all need to be there to listen to what they have to say." Shinji grumbled, and looked away with a scowl on his face. By the tone of his voice, Kensei could tell he wasn't happy about this 'visitor.'
"Fine, lets get this over with then." Kensei replied,and walked out of the room,with his hands shoved in his pockets. On his heels were Shinji,and Mashiro, who came only after she noticed her audience was gone.
The visitor turned out to be a representative for the captain commander, informing them of a meeting that was suppose to take place in soul society the following day. The man delivered his message,and then promptly left. If he would have stayed any longer, Kensei was sure the man would be questioning his superiors logic in requesting them to come to the soul society. For they were a rag tag group at first glance. The reaction of his fellow visoreds were varied,yet predictable. Hiyori started yelling,and throwing things, Shinji tried to calm her down by yelling back at her, and only succeeded in making her more angry. On the bright side, Kensei got to see him get hit in the head with a book, that was always fun. Lisa only looked up from her magazine,and shrugged,but Kensei noticed the darkened look in her eyes,as she went back to reading. Rose,and Love remained quiet,but contemplative!.Hachi looked sad, yet hopeful. Mashiro looked like she didn't have a care in the world,probably because she didn't, as she kicked her legs back,and forth,with a serene smile on her face.
Kensei sighed,and furrowed his brow,as he thought about earlier that day, and the upcoming meeting. Kensei had been livid at first, not about the meeting itself,although that was something to worry about, it was the manner in which the message was given. Though, it was never explicitly said, the messenger made it clear that attendance was mandatory. After the soul society ostracized him, he conceded to never be anyones trained dog. Yet, there he was, they snapped their fingers, and he jumped. After the messenger left, he went back to his room, slammed his door shut,and locked it, in hopes to be left alone. Surely, he felt a little childish, but he didn't want his comrades being helpless victims to his short fuse. Despite how it may look, Kensei cared for them deeply. Thankfully not even Mashiro would bother him when he got this mad. Even though, her favorite pass time was getting under his skin, she knew messing with him now was a death wish.
His hollow stirred at the familiar sensation of rage. The silver haired man closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. It wouldn't do any of them any good if he couldn't control himself. Kensei sighed again,as his hollow calmed down. Tachikaze took to reprimanding the hollow,and Kensei for getting worked up over nothing. Considering his hallow fed on Kensei's rage, he was unable to see logic once things went red. Though, he could control the hallow well, he could never kill the rage it breaded. Despite his zonpakuto pleads, he couldn't calm his mind. Even without the clouded judgment of rage, he knew this wasn't 'nothing'. There were a slew of possibilities that could come of tomorrows meeting, and that alone was enough to enrage the man. Kensei hated not feeling in control, he hated having to put trust in a system that failed him. Mostly, he hated not knowing if he'd be able to protect his adopted family, there were to many interchanging variables. True, part of him wanted to see his old home, his old division, his old friends,yet the other part of him wanted nothing to do with any of it. He just couldn't trust them, when they'd already proven how easily they'd abandon them. Wasn't the help they offered enough? As his mind did so often lately,his thoughts went back to that kid, whom so brazenly had "his" number tattooed on his face. Kensei grimaced at the idea of this kid with his number etched into their skin. Especially not that kid. Kensei didn't always pride him self on being the smartest, but It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the young man was. Though, despite the punk being so bold and presumptuous, he was also audacious, meaning, he had some balls, all right. Not only that, but he had the skills to back up the confidence, he was strong, very strong. An all around warrior, with the resolve needed of a man who desired to don his numbers. Kensei felt a sly grin pull at his lips, as he reminisced about the kid. Some how, the thought of this kid could settled down the hallow, lulling it into complacency. Even Tachikaze was calm, as he continued to think about the young man with dark hair,and eucalyptus eyes. Something about him brought out Kensei's docile side, though he wasn't sure why. That made him all the more upset, when he thought of how upset Shuuhei had been on the , he tried to hide it, it was clear the kid was hurt by Kensei's declaration of having no one he needed to talk to. He hadn't meant for his words to be hurtful in any wanted his words to convey how proud he was of him, proud that the kid had grown up to be a strong warrior. Mostly, he was proud that this kid was the silver lining to that god awful day, the day that altered Kensei's life forever. In hindsight, he could have predicted that look. He thought back to how much it would irk him when the boy would cry. Still,he wouldn't stop, even when Kensei told him to smile. It would only annoy him so badly, because he wanted the kid to be strong,and live happily. Still, it seemed the man,and the boy were one in the same. Kensei's words alone made the soul reaper look like a kicked puppy. He was still the same boy, with the same latent sadness. Which just angered the man, non of this mattered if Shuuhei wasn't even happy, he was the silver lineing in all this shit. So, he had to be happy, he just had to be. Seeing that sadness on Shuuhei's face made him want to go over to the man,and smack some sense into him, until he got it, that he needed to be happy, he was alive, so he needed to be happy.
He thought back to when he learned of Tousen's demise,admittedly, he was happy about it. It pleased him to see the young man Shuuhei had turned into. More so, he was proud that he was able to defeat that treasonous asshole of a fifth seat. Yet, his pride wouldn't let him show that, he'd be damned. Instead, Kensei fell back on the one emotion he could lean on, Anger. No matter what the situation, if it made him uncomfortable,his rage would bubble up. So, he got upset that he didn't get to kill those scumbags himself. As a result, he gave the traumatized boy the cold shoulder, to busy brooding to realize the effect killing his mentor might have on Shuuhei. So stupid. If he had been paying a bit more attention to his surroundings, instead of his anger, he would have noticed the haunted look in the young man's eyes. He could have assessed that Tousen's,and Aizen's treachery reached deep into Shuuhei's psyche, infusing him with an inescapable , he didn't notice. Even when Tachikaze,and his hollow had scolded him for his actions, which never happened.
Kensei didn't do mushy feelings, because his sense of pride always invoked rage. As if, having emotions was something to be ashamed of. Instead, he chose to throw his weight around, putting on the impenetrable macho man act. He alway had, and he was sure he always would. His friends,and fellow visored knew this better than anyone. If anything good ever happened, Kensei would clam up tighter than a drum,and start walking around in a huff, ready to insult anyone who dared breath in his direction. In his mind, them talking could some how make Shuuhe just vanish . It was irrational, he knew it, but to many bad things had happened, that he didn't think anything good would stay long enough for him to enjoy it. Unfortunately for Shuuhei, he was a shining beacon of all that was good in Kensei's world. For this reason, Kensei ignored him. It was irrational, and stupid, but that was how Kensei operated. He just couldn't help himself. Sighing, he rolled onto his side, trying to rid his mind of the boy,and get to sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day,and he needed rest if there was any chance of him keeping his composure.
Down the hall from Kensei's room, Mashiro could be found laying in bed, using her reiatsu to sense the turmoil in her fellow housemates. Most noticeably agitated was her former captain. She giggled to herself. Oh Kensei, what a piece of work She loved getting under the man's skin, and if she was right, she knew exactly what was causing his frustration. She liked to think that she could read the silver haired man pretty well. So, she would bet anything that,at this moment, he was thinking about the young man they had both seen on the battle cutie with her captains numbers etched on his face. Still, she had to wonder why this guy would have her caption's number on his face. Always being a little slow on the upstart, it had taken her a bit longer to put the pieces together. Soon, she realized the young man was the boy Kensei had saved all those years ago. Knowing Kensei as well as she did, she knew his rough attitude towards the young soul reaper meant he was happy. Admittedly, she liked giving him a hard time because she knew he had the emotional maturity of a peanut. She knew Kensei too well. Perhaps, more so than the others. She knew how much the man, who usually dawned a permanent scowl, really did care about them. She also knew how much he had cared for the young man, who's name escaped her for a moment. "Shuuhei Hisagi" she proclaimed to her self. She couldn't help,but to grin widely. She knew something fun was about to happen. Though,she didn't know what was coming, she couldn't wait to see the looks on both her captain's,and the young man's faces when it did.
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