Some Community Ideas

Dec 18, 2009 13:34

Ok so I'm thinking of starting up a round robin type thing. I was wondering if there was actually any interest in this so leave a comment and let me know. I figured I would post a start for a story once a month or so, maybe twice a month if I'm feeling very inspired and people have interest, not sure yet. Then you guys can lay claim to what portion you want to write... or something like that. The idea's still kinda in the works but yeah, this is just me seeing if there is any interest.

The other thing I'm wanting to do is start giving people prompts to write on. I figured there are a few different ways I could do this but here's what I was thinking. Proabably once a week, like a monday, I'll post one or more writting promts for people to use. All I ask is that you credit the prompt if you post a stroy on it. :D I thought I chould do like words, theams or lists, you know the basic stuff, and also I was thinking of haveing song prompts. I don't know about you guys but music really inspires me. So yeah, wondering about interest in that.

Now finally the last thing I wanted to post about here was having a bitch week at the end of every month. Basicly I would post an entery at the start of the last week of every month and then people can use that place to talk about the stuff that annoyed them during that month. It can be about writing, manga, anime, life in general, just whatever you want to talk about kinda thing. BTW I thank Horus for this because it was her idea.

Ok so those are the three things I am putting forth. Please let me know what you all think about them, thank you.



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