
Mar 22, 2005 12:40

so i'm alive. and like i expected, the transfer flights getting me here to seattle were hell. I'm alive though and that day of hell has been well worth what i've received here, even worth just the first five minutes maybe.

um.. i haven't really been doing much, i actually, might even spend a few days working on some hw.. i don't know... kinda hoping tami tells me not to because i mean, i did come all the way here to get away from all of that..

for alan, just so you know, leben and kenny florian were forced to fight, and leben was kicking his ass.. but then, he got a fucking big ass cut and kenny held out.. so result, kenny florian beats cris leben due to doctor stoppage from a cut. crazy.. get me some level 36 phat lewt also

um, hmnn.. what else to say... um.. yeah! i think, i'm gonna go train with randy couture for a day and i'm DEFINITELY gonna go to inspirit and buy some real phat lewt. um.. and hayato is plannin on taking me out to go grapple at marcello garcia's place. sounds kinda cool. so yeah, i'll keep you updated.

I have to add, i mean, I DO have a lot of things to take care of when I get back.. and chances are, I might not even have a job when I get back. I DON'T believe that will be the case and, even if it was, this break was well worth the risk.. and honestly, I needed this break so much and I'm glad i took the chance. anyhow, yeah.. off to downtown. bye
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