On the searing altar of public outcry upon which human intelligence is routinely sacrificed...

Oct 25, 2007 12:32

Time for a new rant...

Nobel winner Dr. James Watson - who won the Prize for his discovery of the DNA double helix - resigned today amid the controversial statements made the other day about the intelligence of black people.

Never - NEVER - before have I seen such a display of outright ignorance and disregard for basic human intelligence.

No, not from Dr. Watson, but from the people issuing the outcry.

Dr. Watson is a geneticist of some sixty years of experience. The man is a towering giant in the scientific and academic world. His discoveries led to the commissioning of the Human Genome Project, and many other studies aimed at analyzing and - at times - correcting the human genetic structure. So many diseases and disorders are passed along through genetic lines. Instead of people having to suffer the ill effects of chronic, genetic illess, they could instead lead full and rich lives, resultant of their genome being repaired when they were children.

So, on to the controversy. Dr. Watson was quoted as saying something - I still can't find the exact quote - to the effect of, "White people are more intelligent than black people." I know that's not what he said, but that's what many people like to THINK he said.

Bear in mind that Dr. Watson is a geneticist. Even though he is quoted as saying something quite in line with the above quotation, it is clear to see that what he meant was, "White people are genetically more predisposed to higher levels intelligence than black people." And, in analysis, this statement makes absolute sense.

While life in African nations some five-hundred years ago was still relatively primitive and unspoiled, people had adapted to hard work and often harsh environmental conditions, lack of water, keen hunter instincts, high athleticism, etc. Concepts like "book smarts" and the not-so-common "common sense" would not serve in such an environment, being a detriment to survival. Consequently, high intelligence was slowly but surely phased out of the genetic code passed on to following generations.

Meanwhile, in the Caucasian nations, society was progressing so fast that people had to adapt to catch up. Without intelligence and ambition, people were more likely to starve in the dirty streets, huddled in rickety lean-tos and run-down housing with far too large a family sharing one room. Things moved too fast, therefore people adapted. Larger groups of people were gaining education, more people were persuing the privileges that heretobefore only certain groups possessed. At the same time, it also made people suspicious to a fault. Everything was suspect.

Fast forward several-hundred years. We've taken the phrase "All men are created equal" a few steps too far. If this was unequivocably true in the absolute literal sense, then why is it that everyone is not a millionaire, does not have a double-doctorate in two remotely-related scientific disciplines, and cannot run a mile in under five minutes even if there were a rabid dog chasing them? All concepts of foundationalism aside ("the rich get richer, the poor get poorer" and so on), much of it is genetics.

Now, things are slowly catching up. What do you see? A further influx of black people into scientific and business areas. It is no longer an odd thing. The genetic differential that once separated intelligence across color boundaries is slowly vanishing. Also, the average intelligence of all people is increasing. Eventually - likely within the next few generations - such a differential will cease to exist altogher, possibly even reverse itself. (Though this is unlikely, since all social groups are being exposed to much the same stimuli in our great country.)

These people shouting at the sky in outrage are displaying just how little intelligence they possess. Saying that, "On average, white people are more intelligent than black people," is only a racist comment in the literal sense, implying some difference between two groups of people due to ethnicity. One exists whether you want to admit it or not! Hell, I could go so far as to say, "On average, Asian people are more intelligent than white people," and I would not be wrong! (Oh noes! I said that Asians are more intelligent than white people! HELP! I'M A SELF-HATING WHITE MAN!!! *sob* Give me a fucking break.)

You want proof that there is genetic information differentiating you from another person? Grab a close friend - doesn't matter; Asian, African, Caucasian, Native American, Indian, Hispanic, your fluffy, goddamn dog - and stand together in front of a mirror. See that difference? THAT'S GENETICS! It's those little things that lets your friend run the hundred-meter dash in under ten seconds, but cannot play the piano as you can. (Oh, sure, they could play chopsticks or some shit, but you get my point.)

So, immediately decrying the words of a life-long geneticist as anything other than the observations of the sum experience garnered in his profession is pure ignorance and stupidity. Dr. Watson has been a geneticist for sixty years, so anything that comes out of his mouth will be the words of an expert in genetics.

I'll bet if Dr. Watson happened to have dark skin, this whole damn thing wouldn't have even made it into the news.

The fact is, people want to take offense. They want to be angry. They want to make you angry. Its what gives them power over things they cannot otherwise control. They want you to think that he said, "No black person is more intelligent than any white person," and for you to become enraged in the process. Pure and utter bullshit.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am sick and tired of having to kowtow to other people's ignorance, hate, and their infantile expressions of injured feelings. For those who desire to take offense for no reason other than taking offense, go elsewhere to express your voluntary stupidity. Your apparent lack of intelligence and disregard for human dignity is an insult to the rest of us.

In words you can understand: fuck off.

After ranting about it with friends a week ago and seeing the developments of the past day, I just had to post a longer rant about it. Do not take my words in offense, I beg you. I'm simply tired of mine and the following generations' having to carry the load of ignorance and hatred of those that came before us. It's not our mistake, so we shouldn't have to live with it.

Hmm, I guess that falls under foundationalism, too, huh?

news, rant

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