Who: Anyone
Where: The Marsh household
When: Early Monday Afternoon
Status: Open
The Marsh living room was still somewhat of a disaster from the previous night's party, unmentionables and alcohol seemingly mixed on the floor. Sharon had decided to ditch for the next few days and go with a friend due to some sort of fight she weas having with Randy.
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Yeah, ABBA-fans. That is the answer.
But regardless, a few minutes later he was done with their cheap vaccuum. He then went into the kitchen and looked at the dishes- shockingly, it wasn't all that bad. He started attacking them with his usual fervor.
FUCK YEAH IT WAS HIS GODDAMN BIRTHDAY YES. He loved birthdays, they made him so energetic and giddy.
"Stan!" Kyle called into the house. Fuck, Randy might be here, but Kyle could deal with him. Fucker. "Hey, Stan!" He shouted over the music.
"THAT'S IT!! YOU'RE GOING IN THE SNOW BANK FOR WAKING MY ASS U- Oh...it's YOU." he stopped halfway, glaring at the red haired boy. "Shouldn't you be at home getting ready for your little party that no one is going to? Or are you trying to win over Stan so you can come to ours?"
It had been too long since he had seen his friend, and it had always hurt a little. But that didn't matter right now as Stan almost seemed to skip towards his friend. Randy was saying something about Kyle trying to win Stan over for the party...and it made Stan sigh mentally. The party had been last night. On Halloween. Today was November 1st. God, his dad could be such a douchebag. But that thought also came to a head as Stan almost ran into Kyle as Kyle entered the kitchen. Stan stopped sudenly and tried composing himself.
It didn't work.
"HI KYLE! What's up, dude?!"
"So nice to see you to, dude!" Stan replied, hugging Kyle hard and deciding it might be best to not crush him. He pulled away and took a breath, now that the gift no longer strived to strangulate.
"Want anything to drink or eat or what?"
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