Oct 25, 2009 23:42
First of all, we'd like to thank everyone who nominated us (John and Jeanie) as your new killing kenny mods! We hope we do a good job keeping this place active and fun. However, we are new to this and still learning so please bare with us. Ideas, comments and criticism would be greatly helpful to us. ;-) We may make a post for ideas for new worlds/storylines where comments will be screened.
Secondly, we are sorry to the players who have recently been removed due to their inactivitey. You may apply again, but your character will not be held. Keep in mind that you must remain active if you join the game again. Try to post/participate at least once during each new storyline. (This goes for all of you :P)
We have a new rule:
We think that maybe people are becoming bored with the length of the storylines/new worlds and so from now on, each new world will last approximately 2 weeks, regardless of Kenny's death. We feel that since we all have our own RL schedueles and things going on, and can't always plot out Kenny's death, it is difficult to rely on one person to change the storyline. However, in the event that Kenny should die, the world will change immediately.
This may mean that we will have to come up with several new world ideas, and frankly, we aren't all that prepared with ideas. :P
And so we need some help from you, the players... Are you guys enjoying the worlds that involve changing your character's personalities? (ie. The fairytale round, the sins/virtues) or do you prefer when the world of South Park changes (The Donner Party), or would you like to see something else?...please let us know, because we want everyone to have a good time with this and we don't want to make worlds that are boring/too difficult. Also, if you have any ideas, please feel free to share them with us.
Anyways, thanks again to the original mods for creating this RPG, and for all their hard work, and everyone who nominated us.
Expect a new world very soon.
-Your new mods, John and Jeanie