October: A Potentially Good Month

Oct 02, 2010 00:44

It really does hold the chance to be a good month, between talkin' to the Microsoft rep about some "good things" that may come our way, the fact that once my store manager returns I might get a raise, and the ever furthering of the passage of time where I partake in and expect positive things as per my grand, ever-temporary plan. Once more I've found myself late to the update party, and for that, I don't really care. I've lately just been kinda letting the days melt together like an orgy of little green plastic army men in a microwaveable-safe bowl. I basically go to school and either come home only to go back out to karate, or to go back out to work. As I mentioned before however, I'm due for a raise after my performance review is filed. Now there are some pessimists who are claiming that this raise will only be some scant 10%. I hope for OfficeMax's sake that this is an inaccuracy. A raise that small (about 8 cents for me) wouldn't do a DAMN thing for my bottom line, and as a result...well we know what all'd happen. Since I'm constantly unmotivated to find a better job, I'm hoping it bodes well. If nothing else, I'd damn sure like to go back east for Xmas, which is another point I've gotta touch upon as the months grow closer.

So in other news, I continue to pray for the end of school, namely in the face of the fact I've got several projects due this semester. Best example I can give was my Romare Bearden collage that I had to do for Art History. Man, it was only 25 points, but fuck did I ever agonize over this thing. I felt like I was totally missing this guy's style as I pieced the thing together. I can safely say that the one page bang-out of the description of the content was loads easier than the collage itself. Shit even the presentation of the piece was easier (namely because I have public speaking skills). Well I just got THAT back Thursday, and the result? 25/25, bitches! I'm a motherfuckin' visionary up in this bitch! I was pretty stoked, if you can't tell. Upcoming, I've undoubtedly got some curve ball coming from Eastern Religion, and as for Macroeconomics I just got done my group project with some pretty cool folk. Got that first test coming up on Wednesday (fucking joy), but so far it's going pretty nice.

Last week in particular was pretty cool since I only had to go one class. Before you start thinking "oh cool, there was a holiday" however, know now that it was the result of my piece-of-shit alarm clock decided it wanted to go on partial strike. Sure it'll tell me the time, but apparently the digital cat got its tongue. I'm just chillin' in bed thinking "it's probably 8 or something. I'm NOT getting up." Turns out that after I did decide to give into my curiosity and look, it was 11:50. I felt pretty damn boned, and not ONLY that, but I was draggin' ass ALL day. I seriously didn't start feeling better until I unloaded my building frustrations on the heavy bag at karate (which, by the way, will likely become my usual Monday regiment). Needless to say, my cell phone's alarm is now set as a backup plan. Crafty monkey, I is.

Work continues to be a roller coaster of working all day and accomplishing nothing. My one cool manager Eric doesn't work there anymore, the cause being better employment opportunities at Target. I still wish him the best, and I've lately been hanging out with a different one. He actually spent the weekend over last weekend and brought his 360. Now I know that some of you are probably saying, "360? But you hate Microsoft's gaming gear?" True, but I think it might be time to open up some horizons. Hell, we stayed up until like 7am playing Modern Warfare 2. It's definitely gotten me into the mindset that I just might wanna get me a 360, or a PS3...it depends on a few factors, really. There are several things I'd LIKE to have, but that whole "money being a serious issue" kinda hinders me in shallow, impulsive buys. Nevertheless, that raise may be coming around the corner, and it did prove to be a fun weekend. Also, I know for sure I need to get Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.

Martial arts keeps on a-truckin' and I'm continuously grateful for it being around. Moreover, we're getting more and more prepared for the banquet in November. To top that off, I've recently found out that we'll be going to a tournament in the beginning of November. While I doubt I'm totally up to par with my sparring on the count of my awesome LASIK, I think there needs to be some involvement in this thing. I just have to get proper head protection and then pick a form or two that I wanna do. Homie needs to go home with a trophy and some other student's blood on his gloves. That's...probably a bit much, but I'm both excited and a little anxious about the opportunity to actually compete and prove myself against other arts. Either way, it'll all be in good fun...I think.

So that's really all that's been going on. I've been kinda living on Microsoft's retail employee-only website, gettin' points in the hopes they'll put something up there I want. That and a whole assload of reading because colleges get off on this kinda shit. Seriously I get the feeling that these institutions are sexually stimulated by the concept of people wasting their lives in these textbooks. Of course I speak out of accurate, justified anger, but that's just me. Anyway, I think I should probably wrap it on up since that's the only little bit that's been going on my life. I'll see about posting a bit more frequently again, in the slim hopes this isn't JUST for documentation. Regardless of when I update you fine folks next, hopefully everyone has been doing well, staying well, and is getting ready to embrace the upcoming seasons. They're just around the corner! Peace out, folks!

"Did you see that dumbass run into my straight? Punk bitch got KNOCKED out!" - me playing UFC in Best Buy today (fucking hilarious)
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