Jun 04, 2010 01:38
Okay, so I'm still in the "can't wait for my vacation" but for now, it's now beyond the unofficial beginning of summer! Hopefully everyone had a good Memorial Day. I myself didn't really do a damn thing, except go to Sports Authority and get another Under Armour shirt for karate. Oh, I also rode Mikey's bike around for about an hour and a half because I could, since I was off and inevitably got stood up (once more). There's really no need to get into the details, but I'll suffice to say I'm not surprised. So beyond that, I just welcomed the unofficial beginning of summer with a few drinks (more than I should've had), and watched an excellent anime movie on SyFy called Strait Jacket. Pretty decent plot, a lot of well-known voice actors (including the god-man, Crispin Freeman). I'd highly recommend it if you're looking for something new.
I have to admit that I'm really enjoying this "no school" thing, even in spite of the fact that I'll be working more. Yeah I know it's not getting anything solved, but what can you do when all the teachers are lazy asses? Either way, that whole "more work" thing starts next week, which I'm sure will ultimately have benefits, namely when it comes to spending money for my vacation, as well as helping with my LASIK if I decide to go through with all of it. While I'm on that, I actually qualify for the best payment plan too, so everything really is in place. Of course, if I haven't told any of you anything about this, I could be getting my eyes finally fixed. I'm pretty sure this isn't the kinda thing I'd forget to mention. So there's that...and I'm still pokin' around for a bike (since Mikey's is way too small for me), and I'm always on the lookout for affordable dive gear. Funny sidenote: I'm gonna fuckin' kill the mailman if my PADI card doesn't get here soon.
So what else is there? Oh yeah, Flyers and Blackhawks for the Stanley Cup, and Philly better fuckin' win. We've still got a fighting chance, but we can't really be losing anymore. I haven't been able to catch any of the games (sadly), but I know both teams want it badly. Phillies...not so much, since they just got fuckin' swept by Atlanta. It still didn't stop me from getting a shirt finally, but you know what I mean. Nevertheless, you can kinda gauge how my past week and a half has been by what little I have of real substance to talk about. We've got the belt test coming up in July and I'm really shooting to be testing, although the ironic downside is that after I get the belt, I'll hardly have any time to check out the new material since I'll be going on vacation. I s'pose even I need a vacation from time to time.
Well I guess I should keep this short, since I didn't hit the lottery or do anything utterly mindblowing in the time I've been away. No I didn't wait for something to happen either; I just...got really lazy with my documentation. With any good fortune, I'll have something exciting to talk about next week. On that note, I'm scuttling off. Keep it real, people, and send me some good vibes on making up my goddamn mind on this eye surgery thing. I'm still on the fence, but succession pending, this could be a life-changer. Don't forget Father's Day is sneaking up somewhere in this month!
"I've successfully narrowed down my 'drive me to kill' list to three: screaming children, stupid commercials, and late mail."