Jan 06, 2010 01:01
I'm pretty sure I mean it too! After all, it can't be much fucking worse than 2009 right? Nevertheless, we have entered in on a new year...a clean slate filled with possibilities, opportunities, and then open range with which to further explore our own lives. I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable transition through the threshold into this clear new year. As for me...well I had a good end and a pretty damn great start to the new one. Incidentally, this is also pretty much the entire highlight of the entry. That's kinda what happens when I'm on vacation (which sadly is going to end after this week; then back to the fucking asshole fest that is college.
So a little backstory for y'all. During Xmas week, I came upon the transition between classes at karate - something that pretty usually happens. Suddenly, I walk myself into something I totally didn't expect - one of the brown belts "encouraging" me to ask one of the other brown belts out. I'll step back and add the little honesty part in here that I thought this girl was cute since the first time I saw her. I know that sounds corny, but even with my bad eyesight, I have an eye for these things. Moving on...the week passes and I only talk to her like I normally do with a few people outside of the school after it closes. Come next Wednesday, I find that the question of whether or not I've asked her out becomes a little more "forward" so to say. This was lumped conveniently in with the fact that this girl's aunt was allegedly trying to set her up on a date. My brain said "Oh HEEEEELLL no" and I mustered up my stockpile of courage martial arts had given me and wittily asked her to change her plans to going to the movies with me. Met with no objection and 3 hours of us freezing our asses off outside of the school talking, we fast forward to Thursday night.
Thursday night, after work and a much needed shower, I meet her at the movies and we proceed to see probably one of the best movies of 2009, that being Avatar in 3D. I think my only grip with that movie was that the 3D glasses looked like those thick nerd glasses, and as a result they fit like shit over my regular ones, which I need for seeing with my eyes. The movie went on, people attempted to bother me with texts of a Happy New Year in a timezone two hours ahead of us. However, at the end of the movie we didn't quite find ourselves content with the evening. As anyone who's been in the mood for dinner at 11:00 at night knows, the only real solution to this problem is IHOP, where a good life choice in food was made, and $20 of my dollars (apparently including tip) went. We retire to the car, desperate to warm up from the bitter outdoors (since I STILL can't find a fucking jacket), and I had the (failed) idea to maybe try to rush home so we could see the ball drop. Since that idea was out, we sat, talked, and listened to music until the area of about midnight hit. The timing was a little off as far as exactness is concerned, but what followed was a kiss that set what seems like a very healthy and interesting relationship into motion. I'll spare the details, but my Rise Against CD got like 3 play-throughs before we wound up going back to her car so she could scuttle on home. So for those of you too lazy and dickheaded to read all of that, the meat-and-potatoes of it is, I now have a girlfriend! It is in that insightful announcement that I say unto myself...well, it took you long-the-fuck enough!
Actually, in telling that story, I did remember a few other noteworthy things that happened. First off, I got a new haircut! This isn't just ANY haircut though; this is a bad ass new haircut that defies all logic and evolves me into a state of higher awesomeness. The picture is available upon request, but I'd rather move onto the party that technically wasn't. That makes no sense until you know about how it was all set up. Originally, it was meant to be an OfficeMax potluck kinda party which several people were supposed to show up for; turns out that only about 5 people intended to show up, so by all proper accounts, the "OfficeMax party" was canceled. However, my co-worker and owner of the house decided to get something going anyway. In reality, the same 5 people who intended to show up did, including myself and adding one onto that number for my lovely new companion. It was actually kind of a short-lived party, but still fun nonetheless. We watched the Family Guy movie (thus proving to her that I WOULD get her to watch Family Guy), and then after everyone left, we stuck around and played Phase 10 (interesting new card game I learned) before going home.
In reality, as I'm midway through my final week of semester break, the past week has been quite good and beneficial to me, and while I'm not looking forward to yet ANOTHER miserable semester, I know that 2010 has at least had a good start. That being said, I know that 2010 is also going to be a year of shifted consciousness, as Mikey and I will be pretty much on our own, as will we be car-less without the taking of proper precautions. I'm trying not to get TOO worried about it, but I do know that we're going to definitely have to make some wise financial decisions, as well as taking the proper steps work-wise. I see it more as a bit of an intimidating challenge than anything, but I know this isn't something we'll have to face alone. Who knows? Maybe I'll wind up gettin' my lady to move in with me, heh. Actually, that's likely to be wishful thinking for the moment. Keeping that hopeful idea in mind, she's also a Cowboys fan, which as we all know, is the polar opposite to my Eagles. While I'm on that, Philly better pull it the fuck together this Saturday and crush Dallas or we'll be having one angry ass dude. That's a promise.
Anyway, I think that's pretty much it from my end. A good movie, a great time, and an epic start to the new year; I hope again that everyone's new year went as good, and that we can all live through this 2010 year with the positive thought so that on the cusp of 2011, we can look back and say, "damn...2010 was actually a good year; about fuckin' time we had one of those." I know I'm sure looking forward to the opportunities that await me. Well, I'm off until next week! Wish me luck and like for my upcoming classes for when the next semester starts. I hope this 16 weeks is a quick lot! Happy 2010 to all!
"Okay, so since I didn't get my fucking change, I guess we tipped her SEVEN dollars."