Sep 14, 2009 22:50
So the title actually articulates three things that have happened to me in the past week. Actually, two of them have been happening since late last week if you wanna get technical about it. I'll start by saying that it's really turned out to not be that bad of a week, although I'm posting in the beginning of the next. Details details, but as you know from my being in college, I count the weeks in the hopes that I get to 16 as quickly as possible. So far we're up to the number three, and this is where things are getting interesting. I say that because this is the week where in both of my classes I have quizzes; something that's both good and bad. It's good because good grades pending, it'll kinda give me a baseline of where I'm at as far as efforts and comprehension paying off, but it's bad for the same reasons. I'm feeling pretty confident about it though...I have to be, after all. I also met up with one of the girls I took Music and Theatre with, which I enjoyed. It's nice to see a familiar face in this veritable prison that is essentially a big joke nobody laughs at. So the "found" here is really my sanity and tolerance of this god-forsaken place for at least another semester. It's more of a "holding on" thing really, but whatever gets me through it. I just plan on surviving.
The "lost" is going to take a smaller role in this play and stand for the earpiece on my headphones, because at some point last week I found my headphones with only one bud on it. This both disappoints and encourages me. It's disappointing because it's uncomfortable as fuck...but it's also a motivator for me to replace these cheap pieces of shit Skullcandy makes. That's right, endorsement denied bitches! The only question is which ones do I replace them with? My first (and unfortunately pricier) thought are the Razer Moray buds. $35 on Newegg, but that's $35. I also saw these unique ear tips Best Buy sells online, which would force me to keep these, but might help out, and at $12, it's not a huge investment. The only problem is they're online, and while the Morays are as well, it's all a big fuckin' waiting game. That's my biggest gripe with online shopping...said the man who just got a huge deal.
It turns out my job is actually good for SOMETHING other than a meager paycheck. Apparently, Microsoft has this retail thing where you can do a bunch of tests/quizzes for points with which to buy stuff. Specifically, they have this Windows 7 thing, and while it's tedious to do, completion of which (plus 700 points and $10) can get you a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate. You bet your sweet asses I did that, so with any good fortune I've got a copy of the "Vista killer" en route to my house as we speak. That could count as another "found", as can the free copy of Office '07 Standard I get for doing yet more quizzes. In the near future I expect to grab a $60 messenger bag for nowhere near $60, but we're looking a little toward the non-present. First I have to cover the "decaying" part.
The decaying item in my entry pertains to my beloved Final Fantasy VIII wallet, which has sadly begun to fall apart so badly, it must be replaced. My options are: grab an Eagles wallet, or just cop out and get whatever. You can bet your asses I want an Eagles wallet, especially considering I can get all the fruity Cowboys fans in the state to hate me even more. The downside? It's $30; that's a bit much for me to spend on a wallet...which makes me wonder what the FUCK women think when they spend $200 on a shitty little handbag. Either way, that's the decaying part. My money is rather tied up in several things right now, and I feel it necessary to touch upon the hopes of getting a good excess check, as do I hope Mikey GETS one. I feel I'm going in circles, but I'm compelled to remind people who have never gone to college that it's one big joke nobody is laughing at.
This leaves only karate, which continues to be awesome and mentally calming, unless you count the torn up second toe on my right foot thanks to sparring, heh. More reminders of the banquet, and that just makes me want it to be October 17th all the quicker. Also I think I know what we're getting the chief instructor this year, though nothing is yet certain. Hell we don't even have signup sheets yet for the food and those attending...but that's another moot point for me. I already know what I'm bringing and about how many people will be coming (as in, probably just my smooth ass). All I really need to be concerned with is that it will be something so awesome it should happen more than once a year...but alas, such is the nature of an anniversary.
With that having been passed down to you all, it's probably about time I wrap this up. This week passed has not been very eventful, and that's kinda how I like it. All I need to really be concerned with for the week ahead is my schoolwork and the fact I'm one week closer to the end of the semester, as well as my next paycheck (always a positive). I have also noticed that the days seem to be shortening up some, which is an all too familiar reminder that Daylight Spending is probably right around the corner. Since the government began screwing with it, I don't remember when it actually happens, but I never had it ingrained in my head to begin with, just that it's a disappointing time when it happens. Such is the rotation of the Earth though. Anyway, I'll be seeing you all next week, so wish me luck, behave yourselves, and say no to speed! ...inside joke.
"If I were going to biologically buttfuck the world, I'd do it using orange Tic-Tacs."