Jun 20, 2009 22:13
For probably 99% of you, that makes NO sense whatsoever. For the minute percentage of you paying attention (don't worry if you weren't; you're gonna find out right now too), my belt test was today. Since I'm so stoked about it, I won't keep you all in a long, drawn-out suspense - I passed my test! I am now a 6th level student (purple belt)...and DAMN proud of it. One of the purple belts who was helping with the test (I'm not quite sure how that figures out still) jokingly said, "Pretty soon, you'll outrank me and be teaching ME stuff." It was all good times to be had, and I tried my hardest...and my reward was earned. I think I did very well personally, but I'm just happy that I was able to prove myself, as I still can't shake the feeling that I'm advancing too fast, and feel all the more determined to prove to myself that I'm not being handed anything.
Anyway, the test itself was as all others were - nerve-wracking, a little fun, and a demonstration of giving it your all. Ultimately, there were a few kicks I could have done better (like the one my chief instructor asked me DURING the test, if I could kick harder), but I feel I excelled in techniques, the reaction drills (thankfully), and I was pleased with my forms. Errors aside, there's nothing that can be done now; the test is over, everyone passed, and the torch has changed the color of its flame, challenging me further and further down this path I have chosen. I hope I will one day soon be able to grasp the flame in my own hands when it radiates the blackest of blacks.
That poetic note aside, this passing week has just been a "getting through" it. I had gone to that concert on Sunday, and have a report (or what I hope is the report) due on Monday. It was an alright show; it was enlightening and pleasant, but I wouldn't make a huge habit out of it. Sociology was kind of empowering...well, not the class itself, but the fact that without a book - relying solely on my observational skills and good note-taking - I scored a 10/10 on the first exam. This brings me to my next revelation, which may be influenced by the high I'm feeling from my belt promotion, but there really is very little that can stop a determined man with a capable mind. That being said, it was after that Wednesday class that I finally got my goddamn book! This is all good and well, but it'll be even better if I can re-sell it to my bookstore and actually make some kinda profit. We'll see in...six weeks starting Monday. It's kinda good to know the term is almost halfway over; just means I'm gonna be in NJ for two weeks all the sooner.
While I'm on that, let's transition to work, at which there is a 9am mandatory meeting I have to go to tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that, besides the having to get up at 9am part, the thing that pisses me off the most is that it's about BTS (back to school). We get to learn about all the new ins and outs that will make this year different than last year, with the "worlds" that define where the major products are going to be at. Personally, I asked where "Hang Myself World" was, and got the response from the substitute manager, "in the break room." I'll look for the noose tomorrow. I think what bothers me is that I saw on the schedule what worlds - of which there are 8 - are assigned to which employee. Who else would get "Dated World" but yours truly; I fucking hate dated goods, planners, calendars, etc. but more importantly, they're going to be really disappointed when I remind them at several times between July and August that I'm going on vacation. Now, I'm not sure if this will come up at the meeting tomorrow, but you can bet that if it does, I'll be talking to someone. With tickets bought, plans made, and hopes set towards the future and away from the clock, I'll be possibly repeating myself from earlier entries when I say I will NOT be denied the visitation of my friends and family for the second year in a row. They can find someone else for two weeks (in reality, it's only like 9 work days I'll be gone). Granted, I plan on doing this all very diplomatically, but if it comes down to the "tough shit" angle, then so be it. Maybe I'll try to pull a line out of The Big Lebowski, seeing as how I just (finally) saw that on Friday. Pretty funny shit; I dunno if it was as good as people hyped it to be, but it had its moments for sure.
Anyway, I think I've pretty much covered everything of noteworthy status that's happened this past week. It's been a bit of a week, but my biggest reason for updating y'all was my belt promotion. I'm looking bigtime forward to my new material. Will I test when the next date comes up? Who knows...but if I'm ready for it, I'll do my absolute hardest to ensure I achieve once more. It's a journey and not a destination though...so we shall see. I'm in no hurry to become a black belt, but if I'm ready to get closer to it, then I am...and if I'm not, then I'm not. With that being said, take a look at your own lives and see if that can't apply in some way. While you're on that, I leave you with my usual message of behaving yourselves, networking positive vibes to all, and be sure to get your dads something nice for Father's Day. Much as this holiday pisses me off because of its sneakiness (I called mine a week early), it's definitely a testament to another parental figure. Stay gravy until next week, people.
"Shut the fuck up, Donnie!"