It's time to check the police authority in this country. The police are supposed to serve the people not berate and abuse them. One in a long line of stories of police abusing their power against innocent citizens. This time against the Unsers, two brothers with 7 Indy 500 victories between them. They wrestled a 70 year old man to the ground for trying to go to his own property.
This article is all I could find on the story, and is somewhat he-said she-said but it's becoming more apparent that the response at the very least was extreme if not grossly abusive.
Bottom line is that the excuse "Give 'em a break it's a shitty job" or "It's OK, the police have a hard job" or any derivitive of that is absolutely bullshit. Additionally, it goes along with the "Support our troops" deal, if you don't support the gustapo you are labeled unpatriotic or a terrorist. There is a difference between having dissent with your government and agents of your government and being a terrorist.
They signed up for the job. If they can't handle the stress of being fired out and be able to distinguish between a carjacker firing at them and a 70 year old man trying to go home they might not be fit to be a police officer. If anything police officers should be held to a significantly higher standard than everyone else. Power Corrupts. And it seems as this power has gotten extremely corrupted lately.