Baby Boy Chapter 2

Jan 05, 2009 13:59

Not quite worksafe.

AN: Okay, guys, for all of you who are behind this story, here is chapter two. For those of you about to flame me, I'll put a huge warning here: THIS CHAPTER IS PRETTY GOREY, AND INVOLVES THE MIND OF A STRANGE MAN I HAVEN'T PLAYED ALL THAT OFTEN. SO don't be stupid and flame me. I've gone over everything here. So just leave if you're going to. Flame me and expect an equally angry reply. I refuse to take this story down.


Chapter Two: Stolen

Moving beneath the moonless night, the stealthy nin ran his way into the nearest village and waited. His process of elimination took several hours, but his procedure to finally take out his prey took measly minutes. The man of the house was gone, leaving his target all alone. It seemed that they were trying hard to make a child, and the woman would, obviously, be the one stuck caring for it. With a put-upon sigh, Kakuzu slowly and silently entered the house.

The woman perked at the sudden flare of unfamiliar chakra in the home, but quickly found a scream in her throat. The light of her home was meant to chase away all of the darkness, but it didn't seem to do its job as well as she'd hoped. There stood a man akin to the devil, glowering at her and advancing upon her slowly. Being an S-class missing nin, he was able to quickly subdue her and make sure that she didn't make too much of a fuss, forcing something in her mouth to keep her quiet. He then used a thread to cut open her abdomen, finding where the baby was. When the screaming started up again, he quickly sent another sharp thread into her heart, killing her on the spot. Once he fished out the creature in her belly, he found it a bit harder than he should have to keep it. It was already an embryo, that wouldn't do.

So, without further adieu, the small thing was crushed with a wet ‘slorp’ sound between large hands, the red liquid dripping down his arms and staining his cloak. He’d take it to a river and try to get the discoloration from it with a rock, later. Dropping the small, embryonic baby, he headed out for another village; this one would soon be looking for him.

It took him nearly all night before he was able to find what he wanted, removing it while the mother slept with nothing but an uncomfortable sting in her belly; he then contained it with a jutsu and took off towards the hideout. Heading up into the waterfall that hid them, he happily set about searching out Hidan. He found, much to his liking, that the man hadn’t left his bed, or even moved. That meant he was in a very deep sleep…so deep he probably wouldn’t even notice the thing inserted in his belly.

The fertilized egg was finally ready to be sucked into Hidan’s abdominal wall, and soon Kakuzu loomed over the sleeping form, swiftly shoving one thread deep into the man’s stomach, leaving his new parasitic friend against his insides. Hidan woke rather briskly with a moan in his throat, eyes closed but it was obvious by the way his hips moved forward that he was awake.

“Nnn…Kuzu…” He managed, eyes fluttering a little as the other removed the ‘tentacle’, leaving the Jashinist panting and looking up at him with lust-filled lilac eyes. Of course, while Kakuzu found it kind of funny that something like this could turn sexual so quickly, he didn’t really seem to be too enthused. He simply shrugged it off and pushed Hidan over, collapsing into the bed beside the silver-haired male. Of course, the pale man wrapped his arms around the other, who was so worn out he hadn’t even removed his cloak, yet.
“What’d ya wake me up like that for?” For once a sentence without a curse word left the younger man’s mouth! Kakuzu would have been thrilled, had he not been so tired. With a smile, he rubbed a hand through the other’s meticulously placed hair and nuzzled his neck, biting at the pale column of flesh through his mask, to give the other a sort of incentive for not cussing him out. Of course, Hidan was taking the bait, baring his neck and giving a soft moan, eyes fluttering once more.

“I wanted you to know I was back.” He supplied gruffly, watching as soft fingers pried his head gear off, tossing it to the floor and letting his dark hair flow out about his shoulders. The younger male even helped him out of his clothes; yes, all of them.

“You left?” The albino smirked, laughing a bit of an odd, cold tinkle in his throat as he smirked and pulled Kakuzu atop him, watching as the man positioned himself carefully on his arms and knees, to keep from crushing the man beneath him.

“No, you idiot, that’s why I wanted you to know I was back.” He pointed out with a growl, leaning down and claiming his lips long and hard, with plenty of teeth. He was really proud of Hidan, now. Both arms worked down to his elbows and the hands cupped the back of his partner’s head, running through the soft hair; it was now without any kind of gel in it, and it made it much better.

“Mm…I love you, too, Kakuzu.” The smaller guy replied, winking a little as he pulled the other down for another kiss. Kakuzu knew he liked it when he got rough with him, even if he tried, sometimes, to sneak in bits of soft, tender loving touches every so often while they did things like this. A kunai down his side left him gasping and he moaned extra-loud, just for his lover, eyes clamped shut. His body arched and he bucked into the other needily, but Kakuzu was soon bored and too sleepy to continue.

“Hidan…” He whispered, carefully climbing off of the other, “Wake me up tomorrow and we’ll do this a little better.” Of course, now Hidan was not in such a good mood.

“Kakuzuuuuuuuuu! Why would you do something like that if you didn’t want to….finish?” He growled, looking like he was about to get really unhappy. Kakuzu pulled him down for a long, hard kiss.


Tomorrow. The word reverberated in his head for a while, as the older ninja fell into sleep. Tomorrow, Kakuzu would wake up in quite the interesting way.
AN: Okay, so, that was this chapter. I hope it’s as good as the other one….it’s shorter, by a lot, I know that much. -sigh- Oh, well, I got my point across, and that’s all that matters. Plus, I got in some more interaction with the characters, something I know they needed after their fight earlier. Even if Hidan was the one that really was the whole fight.

hidan baby, kakuzu, kakuhida

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