
May 19, 2004 22:34

HAVE YOU EVER..........
1. kissed your cousin: nah

2. Ran away: yeah.. thats the only thing i get grounded for besides getting suspended
3. Broken sumones heart: yeah unfortunately
4. Been in love: yeah unfortunately
5. Cried when sum one died: yeah
6. Wanted someone u no u cant have: umm... story of my life?!
7. Broke a bone: never have i ever
8. Drank alcohol: like a fish
9. Lied: compulsive... pathelogical ring a bell
10.Cried in school: yeah if its sumthin bad enough to make me cry it doesnt matter where i am

WhIcH iS bEtTeR..........
11. coke or pepsi: pepsi
12. sprite or 7-up: sprite...dont they taste the freakin same???
13. Girls or guys: boizz

14. Flowers or candy: flowers
15. Scruff or clean-shaven: depends..
16. Quiet or loud: loud!!

17. Blondes or brunettes: either

18.Bitchy or slutty: both!
19.Tall or short: too tall to be picky
20.Pants or shorts: both

WiT ThE oPpOsItE sEx........
21.what do u notice first: eyes and lips
22.Last person u slow danced with: umm..idk
23.Whats the worst question 2 ask: what religion are you

ThE lAsT tImE.............
24. Showered: today
25.Had sex: only the good die young??
26.Had a great time with the opposite sex: umm every night

WhAt Is ((YoUr FaVoRiTe))
27. Your good luck charm: dan's soul in a bottle!!!!! lol finals...tam

28. Person u hate tha most: my mother... i want her to kill herself soo bad
29. The best thing that has happened: mid summer nights with the love of ur life

30.Color: black, red, blue, white
31.Movie: thirteen...girl interrupted...dazed and confused...half baked

32.Subject: umm psychology.. ironic ain't it
33.Juice: pomegranite!
34.Cars: scaglietti

35.Ice cream: i work at coldstone...
37.breakfast: NOTHING
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