Sep 11, 2009 20:06
My birthday was on Wednesday. It was a really good day because all my classes were cancelled because of the Mass of the Holy Spirit (one class was cancelled b/c my professor was going to teach the other HST professors about how the Handbook for Historians is online). So I went to mass which was long and had some very odd musical arrangements (Jazz? Come on) but the Bishop was there with his Bishop hat so yay.
After was the free picnic and opportunities fair (aka clubs recruit people to join) and so I got so see a lot of people and be out in the nice sun. Then I cooked spaghetti and it tasted just like Dad's!!! It's a really big achievement. Then my parents took me out to Friendly's for dessert and I had a kitkat sundae (yum). Then I came back and had even more ice cream because my friends got me an ice cream cake (more yum). We played Mariokart and I didn't totally suck because I got second place a couple of times. Then we played Sorry and I didn't do so well but it was still fun.
I also have work hours now though I am once again stuck with delivering the newspaper. My roommates pseudo-boyfriend is staying over for the weekend which should be interesting. I met him at moving in and he seemed nice though I didn't talk to him much. Hopefully it won't be awkward.